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8bit magazines?


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I was just wondering...


ST Magazine is still around for the ST

side of things...is there a comparable

remaining 8bit magazine?


If I could find one, contact them, and

make the proper arrangements, I'd

love to be able to give a monthly 8bit

mag away as a prize on my BBS, just

like I do for the Atari ST


Thanks all.

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I'm not knocking your idea but to be honest, personally, I don't really see what the point is in magazines anymore since you can read about and see pictures of everything you want on the net.


I can understand there still being a point to older magazines for the nostalgia factor though.

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Actually on this subject, the other day I went to look for scans of Compute! magazine with none to avail. Compute! was cool because it had all these listings of programs at the back of the magazine with different versions for different computer platforms.


Does anyone have these scanned somewhere? The articles are nice but not enough ;-)

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Actually on this subject, the other day I went to look for scans of Compute! magazine with none to avail. Compute! was cool because it had all these listings of programs at the back of the magazine with different versions for different computer platforms.


Does anyone have these scanned somewhere? The articles are nice but not enough ;-)


Not scanned (Yikes! - what a project THAT would be), but I think I gave close to the complete run of Compute!, and a decent chunk of Compute!'s Gazzette as well. I agree - growing up as a teen with these computers - the best part was typing in the listings and giving all the programs a go (except the boring/useless Filer and Address Book ones! :D ).



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Actually on this subject, the other day I went to look for scans of Compute! magazine with none to avail. Compute! was cool because it had all these listings of programs at the back of the magazine with different versions for different computer platforms.


Does anyone have these scanned somewhere? The articles are nice but not enough ;-)


Not scanned (Yikes! - what a project THAT would be), but I think I gave close to the complete run of Compute!, and a decent chunk of Compute!'s Gazzette as well. I agree - growing up as a teen with these computers - the best part was typing in the listings and giving all the programs a go (except the boring/useless Filer and Address Book ones! :D ).




Actually, if someone has a set they don't mind me destroying the binding of, I have a brand new all-in-one printer with a "page feeder". Definately not as fancy as the one at my last steady job (Xerox Docucenter) but it can do the job. And once each is in a reasonable quality/size PDF, I'm sure we could find some place to host it. Heck, Google can parse PDF files for search terms even. I'd say do it both with Compute! and Compute!'s Gazette. Or any other magazine with program listings...

Edited by jfalcon
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I may have doubles of some issues (they were won in multiple auctions, so I'm sure there's got to be some overlap here and there). I'm afraid I wouldn't be willing to let my only copies of any issues be destroyed however. :)


If there's enough interest in this - and multiple people have issues that could be donated 'to the cause', I'll look through to see what dupes I have to donate.



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ST Magazine is still around for the ST

side of things...is there a comparable

remaining 8bit magazine?



In Germany there are two more or less regularly released Atari-8Bit-only paper mags.

First it's the abbuc magazine, comes together with a disk four times a year. You must be a member of abbuc to get one.

Second there is a colour printed magazine called READY. There were two issues in 2006 and one issue for 2007 is in progress and will be released soon.


But both only in german language...

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ST Magazine is still around for the ST

side of things...is there a comparable

remaining 8bit magazine?



In Germany there are two more or less regularly released Atari-8Bit-only paper mags.

First it's the abbuc magazine, comes together with a disk four times a year. You must be a member of abbuc to get one.

Second there is a colour printed magazine called READY. There were two issues in 2006 and one issue for 2007 is in progress and will be released soon.


But both only in german language...


German only, eh? :(


I wonder if there is enough of an English speaking segment to make it

worthwhile for them to release it in that language? That would be nice.


Has anyone asked them about it?

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Now, Analog (the 8bit one) would be nice to see online. I loved that mag.

Also, Atari Classics would be great to see!

And someday Family Computing. Man-- bringing back the memories.

Hi kheller2, ANALOG is online on http://www.cyberroach.com/analog/default.htm. The site was not updated for a long time, but I think there will be more issues scanned. I suppose they need more people for help in retrieving and putting online remaining issues.

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Now, Analog (the 8bit one) would be nice to see online. I loved that mag.

Also, Atari Classics would be great to see!

And someday Family Computing. Man-- bringing back the memories.

Hi kheller2, ANALOG is online on http://www.cyberroach.com/analog/default.htm. The site was not updated for a long time, but I think there will be more issues scanned. I suppose they need more people for help in retrieving and putting online remaining issues.


Don't count on it.



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ST Magazine is still around for the ST

side of things...is there a comparable

remaining 8bit magazine?



In Germany there are two more or less regularly released Atari-8Bit-only paper mags.

First it's the abbuc magazine, comes together with a disk four times a year. You must be a member of abbuc to get one.

Second there is a colour printed magazine called READY. There were two issues in 2006 and one issue for 2007 is in progress and will be released soon.


But both only in german language...


German only, eh? :(


I wonder if there is enough of an English speaking segment to make it

worthwhile for them to release it in that language? That would be nice.


Has anyone asked them about it?


In the abbuc was a discussion about releasing some english stuff.



A few people think it's a good idea. At least it's the lack of time that somebody translates all (or some?) articles...


I will try to translate Carsten's thoughts (I think I am not fit as a translator).




ich möchte einmal wieder den Versuch starten, Inhalte aus dem ABBUC Magazin in englischer Sprache bereitzustellen. Ziel ist es, den ABBUC im Ausland bekannter zu machen und mehr Mitglieder im Ausland zu gewinnen. Hier meine Idee:


* freiwillige ABBUC mitglieder finden, welche in gemeinsamer Arbeit ein (1) ABBUC Magazin (Heft + Diskette) in gemeinsamer Arbeit von deutsch nach englisch übersetzen


* dieses frei und kostenlos auf der ABBUC Webseite zum download anbieten, als Schnupperangebot (Heft als PDF oder Inhalte als HTML Seiten)


* ein webbasiertes Redaktionssystem (= Wiki mit Zugangskontrolle) installieren, in dem das Übersetzungsteam gemeinsam Texte übersetzen kann


* freiwillige in internationalen Foren finden, welche mithelfen, Texte zu übersetzen und in von denglisch in "richtiges" Englisch zu übersetzen


* Umfrage in internationalen Foren starten, wer bei englischen ABBUC Magazinen Clubmitglied werden würde


* wenn wir eine bestimmt Anzahl zusammenbekommen (z. B. 50 neue Mitglieder), dann die englischen ABBUC Magazine fest einrichten


Ideen, um die Überstzung zu erleichtern:


a) vorübersetzen per Software, dann nachbearbeitung durch englische Muttersprachler


b) Übersetzungsdienstleistungen einkaufen (bei eBay oder bei Freiberuflern im Web). Hier müssten wir einfach mal die Mehreinnahmen durch mehr Mitglieder und die Übersetzungskosten gegenrechnen


Wer hat interesse dieses Thema mit mir voranzubringen?





I want to make another try to make contents of the abbuc magazine available in english language. The aim is to make the abbuc more popular abroad

and to obtain more members from abroad. Here are my thoughts:

* find voluntary members to translate together in a team one abbuc magazine (paper + disc) from german to english

* make this (the translated mag) available on the abbuc homepage as free download for advertising (as pdf or html)

* install a wiki for the translation team, where they can translate the texts together

* find volunteers in international discussion forums to help translating our germenglish in correct english

* start voting polls in international discussion forums who will probably become abbuc member when magazines will be released in english

* when there is a assigned amount of new members (for example 50) establish the english magazines


Ideas to make the translations more easy:

a) pretranslate per software, then postprocessing from english native speakers

b) buy translation services (from ebay or other freelance in the web). Then we must calculate if the income as a result of more members can refinance translation costs


Who has interest to forward this subject with me?

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I seem to remember that paul rixon (AA member) was going to put out a selection of atari user mag's on a website, i don't know if that was the database version or the page 6 atari user version


That would be here




It's the Page 6 Version from issue 1 through the end including when Les took over the Database publication

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That would be here




It's the Page 6 Version from issue 1 through the end including when Les took over the Database publication


I plan to do a similar site for Database Publications' Atari User *eventually* but I need to get on with the Page 6 one first .... so much to do!

Currently I'm getting ready to add the ST public domain library disks as ATR downloads.


Paul R

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Well...it doesn't look to good for my original aim then...


I'll just my fingers crossed and hope that it works out.


If, at any time, some 8bit mag does go English or

become available, I'd appreciate it if some of you

would let me know...


Thanks much! :)

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ST Magazine is still around for the ST

side of things...is there a comparable

remaining 8bit magazine?



In Germany there are two more or less regularly released Atari-8Bit-only paper mags.

First it's the abbuc magazine, comes together with a disk four times a year. You must be a member of abbuc to get one.

Second there is a colour printed magazine called READY. There were two issues in 2006 and one issue for 2007 is in progress and will be released soon.


But both only in german language...


German only, eh? :(


I wonder if there is enough of an English speaking segment to make it

worthwhile for them to release it in that language? That would be nice.


Has anyone asked them about it?


In the abbuc was a discussion about releasing some english stuff.



A few people think it's a good idea. At least it's the lack of time that somebody translates all (or some?) articles...


I will try to translate Carsten's thoughts (I think I am not fit as a translator).




ich möchte einmal wieder den Versuch starten, Inhalte aus dem ABBUC Magazin in englischer Sprache bereitzustellen. Ziel ist es, den ABBUC im Ausland bekannter zu machen und mehr Mitglieder im Ausland zu gewinnen. Hier meine Idee:


* freiwillige ABBUC mitglieder finden, welche in gemeinsamer Arbeit ein (1) ABBUC Magazin (Heft + Diskette) in gemeinsamer Arbeit von deutsch nach englisch übersetzen


* dieses frei und kostenlos auf der ABBUC Webseite zum download anbieten, als Schnupperangebot (Heft als PDF oder Inhalte als HTML Seiten)


* ein webbasiertes Redaktionssystem (= Wiki mit Zugangskontrolle) installieren, in dem das Übersetzungsteam gemeinsam Texte übersetzen kann


* freiwillige in internationalen Foren finden, welche mithelfen, Texte zu übersetzen und in von denglisch in "richtiges" Englisch zu übersetzen


* Umfrage in internationalen Foren starten, wer bei englischen ABBUC Magazinen Clubmitglied werden würde


* wenn wir eine bestimmt Anzahl zusammenbekommen (z. B. 50 neue Mitglieder), dann die englischen ABBUC Magazine fest einrichten


Ideen, um die Überstzung zu erleichtern:


a) vorübersetzen per Software, dann nachbearbeitung durch englische Muttersprachler


b) Übersetzungsdienstleistungen einkaufen (bei eBay oder bei Freiberuflern im Web). Hier müssten wir einfach mal die Mehreinnahmen durch mehr Mitglieder und die Übersetzungskosten gegenrechnen


Wer hat interesse dieses Thema mit mir voranzubringen?





I want to make another try to make contents of the abbuc magazine available in english language. The aim is to make the abbuc more popular abroad

and to obtain more members from abroad. Here are my thoughts:

* find voluntary members to translate together in a team one abbuc magazine (paper + disc) from german to english

* make this (the translated mag) available on the abbuc homepage as free download for advertising (as pdf or html)

* install a wiki for the translation team, where they can translate the texts together

* find volunteers in international discussion forums to help translating our germenglish in correct english

* start voting polls in international discussion forums who will probably become abbuc member when magazines will be released in english

* when there is a assigned amount of new members (for example 50) establish the english magazines


Ideas to make the translations more easy:

a) pretranslate per software, then postprocessing from english native speakers

b) buy translation services (from ebay or other freelance in the web). Then we must calculate if the income as a result of more members can refinance translation costs


Who has interest to forward this subject with me?



Having lived in the UK for 20 years I guess I would be perfect for the job (I have to admit, my German is not as good as my English, but it's slowly coming back to me. (Doesn't help either that I'm back living in Germany together with an English female writer, so I don't even speak German in my spare time)).

Edited by thomasholzer
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Were'nt Abbuc connected to many or most of the european A8 upgrades like speedy/super speedy 1050, args o/s , KPI interface. speedy o/s, qmeg etc etc


Apparently they were europes largest A8 group and held/hold regular meets thru-out germany (mainly or only)...i gleamed that from the atari resort site i used to visit way back when


As for Paul and Thomas....long time no hear, nice to see you both are still into the A8

Edited by carmel_andrews
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