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Anyone have MP3s of actual Atari tape sounds?


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I've seen that thread, and I don't think CAS files are WAVs in any case.


I'm only asking this because I came across the Atari loading sound on a YouTube clip a week or so ago, and it brought back such memories. It was from Micro Live, and it was some family who were trying out the Atari. I'm sure you'll find it under "micro live atari" or something.

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I really need to pick up a tape drive again... an emulator just doesn't emulate sio sound on tapes quite right yet (I actually miss the lead in tone...)


I was playing around with xex2cas... how much tape would a 714 block .cas file take up?

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I've seen that thread, and I don't think CAS files are WAVs in any case.


They're not, but if you look through the entire thread, several .wav files were posted there.


But if you're looking for the actual sound the Atari makes during loading, that's different from those (they're what's actually recorded on the tape).


I was playing around with xex2cas... how much tape would a 714 block .cas file take up?


About 32-35 minutes.

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sorry, attachment was too large first time :roll:


Thank you ever so much, Mimo. I remember with fondness that particular pattern of blocks and gaps, preceded by the hgh-pitch tone of the "leader", as I called it.


I do know that when an Atari 8-bit loads a program or file in such a format that it overlays a distinctive sort of musical chord which varies slightly between blocks, and which can turn sour just before a load fails.


Anyone know why the pitch of the chord used to vary? And is there an audio file of that actual sound somewhere? As I said before, you can hear it on some old obscure video clip on youtube for a few seconds, but I'm after something clearer.

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Anyone know why the pitch of the chord used to vary? And is there an audio file of that actual sound somewhere? As I said before, you can hear it on some old obscure video clip on youtube for a few seconds, but I'm after something clearer.

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You can actually judge what kind of data you're loading by the distinctive different sounds.


The last block or two are usually fairly constant - becuase the last block is almost entirely zeroes.


Similarly, a block of all $FF would sound similar, although a different pitch.


Random data or something like graphics data will usually sound different to a program, which is usually a fairly constant sound.


If a block sounds stuttered and gets an error, it's usually a framing error (start/stop bits aren't 0/1), or it might fail because of noise at the start of block which causes the timing routine to fail and set the wrong baud rate.

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Thanks for that. Does that tape actually load, though? I thought I heard some dropouts, which can be a real pain.


Odds are it wouldn't load after being converted to mp3 and back... I know wav2cas generally chokes on wav files made from mp3's, but I haven't tried recording one to a tape and loading it for real.

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