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Another Upgrade to Identify


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I have just bought an 800xl from ebay because I noticed an extra LED on the case top. Sure enough there is an upgrade within. Can anyone identify it? Pictures of the board are below. A 25pin D socket has been added to the back with connections to pins 14 to 19 so not a serial interface? Maybe a MIDI? There is a header cable into socket U3 and the board sits in U2.





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Computer House Controller Card?


That buff-coloured L-shaped board looks familiar. I'll dig mine out and check (it's years since I last looked at it).


Any switches anywhere?


No Switches. The 25pin connector is the confusing bit. There is one link to the PIA aswell (pin 21).

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Computer House Controller Card?


That buff-coloured L-shaped board looks familiar. I'll dig mine out and check (it's years since I last looked at it).


Any switches anywhere?


No Switches. The 25pin connector is the confusing bit. There is one link to the PIA aswell (pin 21).






You forgot to show the switchpack that comes with the o/s controller card (i know as i have a 256k xl with o/s conty card installed)


I believe (if mem. recalls) you have to solder a couple of r/w wires from the board to a couple of atari chips, do'nt ask me which ones, i haven't read the instructions in years)

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