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1200XL Owners Club (serial tracker)


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Hi Folks,


Normally I am not a jealous person, but concerning these 1200XL's.... oooow I REALLY want one...


But since they are not PAL... I can't do much with it.... but oooow. they look so good and strong...


For now I keep using my wonderfull (look as new) 800XL - 576KB.



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Hi Folks,


Normally I am not a jealous person, but concerning these 1200XL's.... oooow I REALLY want one...


But since they are not PAL... I can't do much with it.... but oooow. they look so good and strong...


For now I keep using my wonderfull (look as new) 800XL - 576KB.




If your TV is modern, and can do PAL 60, then you can use an NTSC output, maybe you have a DVD player that you can set to outut NTSC and then check to see if you get an image on the TV

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Got a new one yesterday... in the original box and it is simply magnificent looking (like new).  Were all the 1200xl keyboards this bad???  (My other one is in the attic untouched for many years).




83S DA 011065  (113)


The 1200XL is just about universally undestood to be among "the best" keyboards atari ever made, with the original beige 800 as a very close rival.


The problem is that if you let them sit for AGES without using them, corrosion builds up on the contacts.. Just take it apart and clean the contact pads with contact cleaner and a q-tip.

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Got a new one yesterday... in the original box and it is simply magnificent looking (like new). Were all the 1200xl keyboards this bad??? (My other one is in the attic untouched for many years).




83S DA 011065 (113)


The 1200XL is just about universally undestood to be among "the best" keyboards atari ever made, with the original beige 800 as a very close rival.


The problem is that if you let them sit for AGES without using them, corrosion builds up on the contacts.. Just take it apart and clean the contact pads with contact cleaner and a q-tip.



What's the best mods I could do to this one? Specifically I want 800xl compatibility. I was thinking the 32-1 OS might be best... but I am not sure.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Because I'm curious, I decided to gather all my 1200XL parts and take a look at the serial numbers in a strange attempt to figure out the quantity made. If you got a 1200XL, how about posting the serial? Instead of "Where's George?" we can have "Where's Twelvie?"


Taiwan made, FCC BPA72R1200

72 R DA 02702 163

72 R DA 07009 183

72 R DA 25155 253


USA made, FCC BPA83S1200

83S DA 028453 213


Yes.. I was very surprised to note that there was USA made 1200XL

SN Owner Location Number Year Week Date End Date

72R DA 01809 153 Shawn Jefferson Taiwan 01809 1983 15 11-Apr-83 17-Apr-83

72R DA 02702 163 Karl Taiwan 02702 1983 16 18-Apr-83 24-Apr-83

72R DA 03941 173 mimo Taiwan 03941 1983 17 25-Apr-83 01-May-83

72R DA 04882 173 Big_Mo Taiwan 04882 1983 17 25-Apr-83 01-May-83

72R DA 06638 183 Guitarman Taiwan 06638 1983 18 02-May-83 08-May-83

72R DA 07009 183 Karl Taiwan 07009 1983 18 02-May-83 08-May-83

72R DA 09216 193 ebay Taiwan 09216 1983 19 09-May-83 15-May-83

72R DA 11169 203 JR> Taiwan 11169 1983 20 16-May-83 22-May-83

72R DA 12974 203 JR> Taiwan 12974 1983 20 16-May-83 22-May-83

72R DA 13917 213 Guitarman Taiwan 13917 1983 21 23-May-83 29-May-83

72R DA 14944 213 davidcalgary29 Taiwan 14944 1983 21 23-May-83 29-May-83

72R DA 16024 213 sup8pdct Taiwan 16024 1983 21 23-May-83 29-May-83

72R DA 16970 223 Ebay Taiwan 16970 1983 22 30-May-83 05-Jun-83

72R DA 17554 223 Karl Taiwan 17554 1983 22 30-May-83 05-Jun-83

72R DA 17593 223 Guitarman Taiwan 17593 1983 22 30-May-83 05-Jun-83

72R DA 18942 223 jdh Taiwan 18942 1983 22 30-May-83 05-Jun-83

72R DA 22774 233 Fujix Taiwan 22774 1983 23 06-Jun-83 12-Jun-83

72R DA 25155 253 Karl Taiwan 25155 1983 25 20-Jun-83 26-Jun-83

72R DA 25996 263 1050 Taiwan 25996 1983 26 27-Jun-83 03-Jul-83

83S DA 000423 113 Mgustafson USA 000423 1983 11 14-Mar-83 20-Mar-83

83S DA 000739 113 JayoK USA 000739 1983 11 14-Mar-83 20-Mar-83

83S DA 000741 113 Stephen USA 000741 1983 11 14-Mar-83 20-Mar-83

83S DA 001855 073 yorgle USA 001855 1983 07 14-Feb-83 20-Feb-83

83S DA 003523 xx3 LoTonah USA 003523 1983 xx #VALUE! #VALUE!

83S DA 005248 123 cas USA 005248 1983 12 21-Mar-83 27-Mar-83

83S DA 005323 123 charliecron USA 005323 1983 12 21-Mar-83 27-Mar-83

83S DA 007085 133 MEtalGuy66 USA 007085 1983 13 28-Mar-83 03-Apr-83

83S DA 007998 143 Karl USA 007998 1983 14 04-Apr-83 10-Apr-83

83S DA 008412 153 tjlaser USA 008412 1983 15 11-Apr-83 17-Apr-83

83S DA 011191 113 gcude USA 011191 1983 11 14-Mar-83 20-Mar-83

83S DA 016370 143 Larry USA 016370 1983 14 04-Apr-83 10-Apr-83

83S DA 017938 133 tjb USA 017938 1983 13 28-Mar-83 03-Apr-83

83S DA 019879 033 Larry USA 019879 1983 03 17-Jan-83 23-Jan-83

83S DA 021899 153 Larry USA 021899 1983 15 11-Apr-83 17-Apr-83

83S DA 02301 153 Guitarman USA 02301 1983 15 11-Apr-83 17-Apr-83

83S DA 025410 153 MEtalGuy66 USA 025410 1983 15 11-Apr-83 17-Apr-83

83S DA 026529 203 Evidious USA 026529 1983 20 16-May-83 22-May-83

83S DA 028453 213 Karl USA 028453 1983 21 23-May-83 29-May-83

83S DA 029051 213 R tjlaser USA 029051 2 198R 3 #VALUE! #VALUE!

83S DA 036154 173 classics USA 036154 1983 17 25-Apr-83 01-May-83

83S DA 039405 183 Larry USA 039405 1983 18 02-May-83 08-May-83

83S DA 039675 193 poobah USA 039675 1983 19 09-May-83 15-May-83

83S DA 51087-123 rdea6 USA 51087 1983 12 21-Mar-83 27-Mar-83

83S DA 51925 123 walter_J64bit USA 51925 1983 12 21-Mar-83 27-Mar-83

83S DA 52198 163 charliecron USA 52198 1983 16 18-Apr-83 24-Apr-83

83S DA 53399 163 charliecron USA 53399 1983 16 18-Apr-83 24-Apr-83

83S DA 53658 163 Evidious USA 53658 1983 16 18-Apr-83 24-Apr-83

83S DA 53689 163 geezer USA 53689 1983 16 18-Apr-83 24-Apr-83

83S DA 72115 163 Shawn Jefferson USA 72115 1983 16 18-Apr-83 24-Apr-83

83S DA 74756 203 JR> USA 74756 1983 20 16-May-83 22-May-83

83S DA 75406 193 Guitarman USA 75406 1983 19 09-May-83 15-May-83

83S DA 77266 193 gcude USA 77266 1983 19 09-May-83 15-May-83

83S DA 78422 133 Gunstar USA 78422 1983 13 28-Mar-83 03-Apr-83

I just bought a 1200XL with a serial number of: 83S DA 026780 203, I will be getting It modified after a bit when I have some more cash in a couple of months, I'm hoping atarimax can and will do the work of course. What are the dates for in Your list? I'm in the USA alright.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

I just picked up a 1200xl recently. The serial on mine is 83S DA 011186 113. Made in the USA. Looks like mine is a close relative of one of the ones gcude has.


It also has an additional sticker on the bottom that says:

Authorized Atari Service

Learning Tree Computer Center



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I just bought a 1200XL with a serial number of: 83S DA 026780 203, I will be getting It modified after a bit when I have some more cash in a couple of months, I'm hoping atarimax can and will do the work of course. What are the dates for in Your list? I'm in the USA alright.


Place of manufacture and approximate date range +/- a day or two, depending on how Atari calculated week numbers.

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The Atari 1200XL was my first Atari computer (other then the XE game system), it has a nice keyboard but mine dose not work so well these days but I still love the system and hope to fix it and buy more software for it.


My Atari was made in U.S.A. and Serial NO. is 83S DA 72006 163

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Here's mine!


83S DA 005333 123 (USA)


72R DA 14882 213 (Taiwan)



Is this at all illuminating? The first is one my father bought in early August of 1983. The second is one I picked up at a swap meet for $10 about ten years ago. Both work but have that damned keyboard problem.

Edited by neopeius
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  • 5 weeks later...
List updated. I think yorgle is in the lead now with 5 units. :)


Nope!! 7 here!! hehehehehe Not trying to take the corner market, but they are my favorite. Intend to install the XL/XE OS and BASIC in most all of them so they will run as 600/800XL's


Just got one in killer condition off ebay a couple of weeks ago for $35.00


I just need to get you the other SN's.

Edited by Guitarman
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List updated. I think yorgle is in the lead now with 5 units. :)


Nope!! 7 here!! hehehehehe Not trying to take the corner market, but they are my favorite. Intend to install the XL/XE OS and BASIC in most all of them so they will run as 600/800XL's


Just got one in killer condition off ebay a couple of weeks ago for $35.00


I just need to get you the other SN's.


One of mine just died so I'm down to 4 working 1200xls. I tip my hat to you, sir.

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