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Are there any capable do-it-yourselfers out there? I've got a project for the keen computer handyman!


I bought a Loaded PAL 130XE with hard drive two years ago, but have never been able to get this to work, possibly because GTIA has become corrupted/damaged during shipping. Would like to repair this, finally, so I can use this as my main system. In addition, it has the NUMEN demo on it, and I'd love to have it running on actual hardware.


Payment in USD$ unless computer goodies are preferred. (a boxed CD32 system with games! Boxed ST equipment!)

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If it can run Numen then that means it would have a RAM expansion - probably to 320K.


And, if that's the case, it would be more likely that the RAM expansion is playing up.


To the best of my knowledge, no alterations to direct paths to GTIA are made for aftermarket memory upgrades - although GTIA does share the data bus and part of the address bus.

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I'm surprised that our american friends are having trouble finding anyone who does still do A8 repairs...i would have thought that AA or comp.sys a8 would be awash with Atari 8bit techies


I know of at least two on my side of the pond (3 if you include PM, ex LACE member)


Try asking warerat or metal guy 66, i think they are american a8 techies (or even better Steve, aka 'Classics')

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I'm an experienced Atari repair&upgrade person, just look at my signature, that 1200XL was all done by me, the 1050 drives also, and numerous stuff I repair/restore&sell on Ebay. I even sold a PAL Antic, stereo-Pokey, 320K upgraded 130XE that I did to someone from here on Ebay, though they didn't seem to like the PAL Antic and complained about it, even after the auction clearly stated that buyer should KNOW what all the stuff does before bidding! But they didn't want to return the item...

Anyway, I'll get them running like new for you, I can even do a FULL restoration of the case&keyboards if wanted/needed too. I've done dozens. And I'm also willing to take money or trades for the work. Regardless of the deal, shipping is paid both ways by the customer of course. PM me. Check out my record on Ebay (Gunstar4) and what others have said about my upgrades and restorations.

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