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Atari 1010

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There's the one (from Poland?) which gives it turbo loading speed - fairly sure it's for the 1010.


Don't have link though.


Also, if you really wanted to, you could quite easily build an APE interface into a 1010.

That make would make an awesome mod!


You can build an SIO2PC/A.P.E interface into ANYTHING that has an SIO port(s).


I have my SIO2PC&10502PC mods built into a 1050, well, it's actually in a seperate case of it's own, but permanently attached to the 1050 via a cable, the whole was drilled into the side where the cable enters and then the cable is directly soldered to one of the SIO ports of the 1050. Though now that I think about it, I may go ahead and just install the board directly into the 1050 and mount the two com ports on the back or side...maybe that will be my next project...depends if I decide i'm too lazy to bother or not, after all, if it ain't broke, why fix it?

Edited by Gunstar
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