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RAMROD MMOS for Atari 800 Anyone have one? NOW SELLING IT

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Described as:

RAMROD MMOS..................ATARI 800 ONLY


The Ramrod is a new operating system board that replaces the existing

board. Install up to two operating systems. Accepts eproms or standard

OS roms. Comes with the OSN OS in eprom. The OSN provides all graphics

modes, including modes 12-15 that are not in the standard 400/800 OS.

Use the standard graphics calls from basic to access these additional

modes that are in the computer. The cassette interface in the OSN is

programable to any baud rate. The default is the standard 600 baud.

The keyboard delay and repeat functions have been modified to allow for

faster typeing and cursor movement. OSN allows you to disregard

cartridges on power up. With this feature, you can boot the system

(cassette or disk) regardless of the cartridge you have installed. OSN

meets all operating system entry requirements. All handler starting

addresses are the same as the B operating system, and as many

subroutines as possible have kept the same starting address. This

allows compatibility with almost all existing software. Available on

(2) 4K eproms or (1) 8K eprom.


The Ramrod also addresses the 4K byte block of memory at C000. It may

be used for 4K ram or install up to 16K of rom for banking at this

location. Also comes with the Omnimon machine language monitor with

many debugging commands like display/ alter/ search/ disassemble memory,

printer and disk interfaces. A must for anyone using assembly language.

And you can jump into Omnimon from any program or cartridge.



Anyone have one of these? I have questions.

Edited by joeventura
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I don't have one, but I wish I did... you know whether there's a version for the XL?


Definitely -- I have a couple installed in XE's. Last I looked, I'm pretty sure that B&C still had them in stock. However, a little dated, since there are other options now. -Larry

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

What are the keypresses to invoke Omnimon on the Newell OS Ramrod card for the 800?


Also how do you switch OS's? Any idea?


Please note this question is for the Newell OS Card for the Atari 800 NOT the 800XL


Unless you know for sure the methods are identical please dont reply with 800XL version info.








I have 1 I know, possibly another one in an 800. Not something I used in my 800s much. Though I used the XL/XE versions more.


What sort of questions. I might be able to do tests.



Rick D.

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  • 3 weeks later...
What are the keypresses to invoke Omnimon on the Newell OS Ramrod card for the 800?


Also how do you switch OS's? Any idea?


Please note this question is for the Newell OS Card for the Atari 800 NOT the 800XL


Unless you know for sure the methods are identical please dont reply with 800XL version info.








I have 1 I know, possibly another one in an 800. Not something I used in my 800s much. Though I used the XL/XE versions more.


What sort of questions. I might be able to do tests.




Well I am selling this rare item on ebay in case anyone is interested:









Rick D.

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