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Atr Util, makeAtr and Mydos

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I have a slight prob in making large ATR images (16 megs) with the above ATR makers that can be used in mydos


Here's the process i use


(Using a 1gig P3, 384 meg Ram, 120 gig hd, and Win XP/MCE 2005 edition with built in SP2)


Load up Make Atr/or Atr Util


Select or click on the 'Create' tab (as both prog's have almost the same layout)


On makeAtr, it will allow you to choose a name for you atr before selecting the size and format of the Atr (size is anything from 90k to 16 megs) format is either mydos (ataridos), spartados and/or autoboot


On AtrUtil You have to select the size and format for the new Atr before choosing the name, the problem with Atr util is though, the first time you use the program you wont be able to make v. large image (i.e 16 megs) as once you've selected the size/format of the image the program just hangs and doesnt create the image


On Make Atr once you have created your image, i load up a800win plus, install mydos (v4.50) as disk 1, install the newly created image as disk 2, the problem is though, is that because of the way makeatr formats the atr it is incompatible with mydos as i have tried on many an occassion to make new sub direcrtories (i.e) in mydos, i.e... select R (make new directory/sub dir. type in Disk Number and name of Directory (i.e. d2:games1...obviously in upper case), all i get is an error message, i then try the other route which is to install a disk drive by selecting O on the mydos menu and typing in 2 as the disk number, selecting N on remove drive and selecting yes for high capacity and typing in 65535 as the number of sectors


Again I format the disk in drive two in mydos, i.e. select I and type in 2 and select Y (not A) and it will format in 65535 sectors in DD mode (i.e 256 byte sectors i guess) i copy about 60 files over and select R to try and make a new directory in drive 2, and i still get error messages and won't allow me to make a new directory


The only way i can make new directories on the recently created ATR is to do it directly from make ATR and not mydos, but the point being is that what's the point of having a program that makes mydos compatible ATR's and yet you can't use mydos to make new directories on the recently created Atr...unless i am doing something wrong that is

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Unfortunately I can't seem to 'write' to the H Device (a800 win plus), that's why i use large 'ish' atr's instead, and atari ++ isn't much better in that respect (even though it comes with as built in dos based o/s)


Looking to put all my xex's onto two or three atr images (over 3000 of the files that is) and use yogi's 'dosmenu' to load selected xex files (dosmenu is the only one i know that supports multiple sub directories, if you've seen yogi's mega images you'll know what i am referring to)


Please don't refer me to spartadros, can't stand it or any of those european dos's that follow the spartadros layout/format, mydos can give you most if not all the features of spartadros and with the added extra of having the familiar ataridos 2.x look and feel

Edited by carmel_andrews
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