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Homesoft Disks...Part two

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Recently updated my collection of homesoft disks (emulator format) however there is a problem with some of the programs


Looking at the disks using make Atr and atr util, as well as thru dos's like mydos etc, i noticed that the majority of the programs are single part/single load binary files (atari dos executables)


So, using make atr, and mydos, i renamed all the .com files to xex and used make atr to extract the files to a new directory


the following programs are the ones i have problems with


All that scott adams adventures (dont load properly) I.E keeps on rebooting (they do work on the menu disk though)


Universal Hero (tried it on all permuations of xl/xe modes, no success), menu disk does work


Space beagle- hyper drive (tried it with all o/s's, basic on and off and all xl/xe ram config's upto 320k), the one on the homesoft disk is dodgy anyway


All the above files are single part/single load atari executables, so essentially they should still work, menu or no menu

Edited by carmel_andrews
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Homesoft created his own menu for his menu-disks. I also noticed that some programs will only work correct with his menu and not at all with other menus... Some programs are also dependant of the format or better density used - the Homesoft disks are always double density / 180kbytes (meaning 256 bytes per sector). I do have some programs in my collection that will only work with 128 bytes per sector - maybe there are some programs on the Homesoft disks, that will only work with 256 bytes per sector... and with the Homesoft menu... -Andreas Koch.

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