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2 new custom overlays


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I don't really have the means to make real overlays, their images for people to create them, there is a couple methods but they arn't always that effective. I make them for fun then give them to the community :P Though if anybody used them extensively i would like credit for them :P

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Awesome stuff. I can't understand why these games weren't sold originally with an overlay - especially Syndicate. That game is impossible to play without knowing every keypad stroke.


Songbird Productions did create an overlay for Skyhammer, after it's release and it was made available for owners of the game through the site, I think they may be included in the game now. It was just a cardpaper overlay with lamenant though, not plastic with bubbled keys like official overlays. But, yes, Syndicate always needed an overlay. Years ago there was someone else who made overlays for most every game that did not come with one but could use one, including the Telegames releases among others. They used to be downloadable for print out or actual plastic ones could be purchased. I have no idea if the site exists in any form any longer though, this was back in the late 90's or early 00's. I do think the Skyhammer overlay above looks better than the one released by Songbird though...

Edited by Gunstar
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think they may be included in the game now.
Bought a copy last November - no overlay included.


I'm not sure if I should be suprised or not. In any case, Carl may still have some to sell if you contact him (I did remember he charged a couple bucks for them). But, as I stated, the one above looks better IMHO anyway, so maybe just get some card stock paper and printer her out! No sense in worring about lamenant since you can just print out another should the first get wear...

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Songbird Productions did create an overlay for Skyhammer, after it's release and it was made available for owners of the game through the site, I think they may be included in the game now. It was just a cardpaper overlay with lamenant though, not plastic with bubbled keys like official overlays.


I bought my brand new Skyhammer last December from 1632 Systems. No overlay was included.

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I bought my brand new Skyhammer last December from 1632 Systems. No overlay was included.

AFAIK Skyhammer was never shipped with an overlay.

I know that Carl wants to retain control of any overlays produced for sale for his Jaguar releases and as far as I am concerned thats his right and that he does make some from time to time so if you want one contact him.

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  • 7 years later...

These are freaking awesome! Anyone ever figure out how to make these? I'm thinking this might be a little out of my local Staples print shop capability...lol


I could go for an overlay for every game that it would be at least slightly useful for...

Edited by travistouchdown
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Keep in mind that the glass-mastered release of Protector RESURGENCE includes four printed, full-color glossy overlays: Protector, Skyhammer, Robinson's Requiem, and Total Carnage. Picture available in the first post here: http://atariage.com/forums/topic/227802-protector-resurgence-coming-to-the-atari-jaguar/.


Well that's pretty awesome. All the more psyched to get that in the mail next week...


Does the card-stock function well compared to plastic?

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Keep in mind that the glass-mastered release of Protector RESURGENCE includes four printed, full-color glossy overlays: Protector, Skyhammer, Robinson's Requiem, and Total Carnage. Picture available in the first post here: http://atariage.com/forums/topic/227802-protector-resurgence-coming-to-the-atari-jaguar/.


Guess I didn't realize these came on two sheets of cardstock. Was under the impression that they would be single discreet 'ready to go' plastic overlays.


Anyway, I'll be leaving them as they are in the hopes of cashing in BIG TIME later because they'll be collectible AND unused. :rolling:

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  • 1 year later...

Keep in mind that the glass-mastered release of Protector RESURGENCE includes four printed, full-color glossy overlays: Protector, Skyhammer, Robinson's Requiem, and Total Carnage. Picture available in the first post here: http://atariage.com/forums/topic/227802-protector-resurgence-coming-to-the-atari-jaguar/.

Is there a way to still get these overlays?

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