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atari2600land's Blog - Sparrows


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Last night, I watched a silent movie on TV. It was the first time I remember even seeing a silent movie on TV. It was called "Sparrows" and was made in 1926. There was a baby in the movie. My grandpa was born in 1925. So that baby is now about 82 years old. Anyway, I didn't quite get the plot, but I watched it anyway. It's funny how expressions get out of style. Like "I'll bet you frogs to turtles that..." And also, there was a bunch of scenes of Mary Pickford and kids discussing the Lord, praying, etc. Times sure have changed in 81 years. Now nobody in movies discuss Lord, or pray (well, there is "The Passion of the Christ"). Now all people do in movies is curse like sailors and have sex. That's why I don't go to movies anymore. And the ones made for kids are stupid. Why can't there be a fairly entertaining movie made for adults without sex? I have a few Felix the Cat cartoons from the 20's, and they're kinda funny and mention sort of adult things (there was one whole episode on moonshine. Felix being drunk was interesting.) Oh, and "The Terror", the movie I talked about in yesterday's blog, will be on July 29th at 3 am.





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