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jboypacman's Blog - Off to the Antique Show and GameBlip reviews.


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Ok am getting ready to head out to a Antique show(really a flea market)so i will be on the look out for some classic gaming and old school stuff.


This should be fun although Mrs.jboypacman as optioned not to go seening as she hates this sort of thing so its going to be myself and a few other friends.


On other news i just added 3 more reviews yesterday to the GameBlips website for M.A.D. ,Montazuma's Revenge, and Stargunner bring the total up to 9 reviews.


Also the reviews can be read with out having to join the site as requested by several diffrent people and again i want to thank one and all for suggestions and commments that have been sent to me so far. :)







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