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potatohead's Blog - Relax time....


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So, a whole day with no specific plans. Just kind of happened. Sweet!


Did some blogging, unloaded the kids (well, most of the kids), napped.


Dug out the 400, played a nice long game of Star Raiders. Been forever since I really could just sit and play.


Sat on the Propeller for a while. Was gonna run a coupla video tests (sorry Eric!), but got distracted and ended up cleaning up the high color driver. It works great now, vertical resolutions are whatever number of scans one wants, horizontal are the usual 20, 40, 80, 160, 256, 320.


Since that went well, I started toying with running two COGs on the same set of pins for the overlay. Got some serious progress on that score. Part of the secret seems to be having only one COG do SYNC and graphics, with the other one only doing graphics. A quick hack, got that done. (sent cog 2's output to another set of pins, when it is supposed to be drawing sync --better to do timing loops instead, but that will be on the next pass)


I'm struggling with syncing up the PLL counters. So, wanting to see something happen, I just went with monochrome pixels. Ended up with two resolutions on the screen at once. (finally) Main COG was doing a rather coarse 40 x 32 background 2600 style, at high-color one byte per pixel. The other one, also ran high-color, but I was only doing intensity, so I didn't try color mixing just yet.


The end result looks a lot like PM underlays. Really bright pixels more or less stayed white. Dim ones, took on the color of the background. This is about as expected. On a black background, or constant color background, it's gonna look fine. Also good for cursors, etc... All in all not a bad hing all things considered.


Got outside and took a walk around my yard. Ended up having to pull some weeds, trim, and pick up stuff. I never am quite sure how all the crap gets distributed around all corners of the yard. Gremlins.


I'm still under the gun work wise. New product to come up to speed on, lots to manage, ugh. At least today is fun. I've decided to make the most of it, drink my coffee and play some Internet Poker with my wife. (yeah, I know, but dammit!)





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