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atari2600land's Blog - More of GoSub 2


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I decided to work some more on the demo because I was having fun programming it. I added another maze and the octopus. I'll take a look at the code for the first one to see if I can get the octopus to be invisible. Note that the octopus doesn't go down to the very bottom because if he did, the treasure chest would flicker and it would be a giveaway to the octopus's location. (Oh, the treasure chest is flickering, the octopus must be at the bottom.) Also, the sub is player0 because if it was player1, then the treasure chest would flicker when the sub is at the same x line. It's not that I don't want to write a game without flicker, it's just that I find it kinda annoying in a graphically simple game such as this. I also added a better title screen. And yes, I will finish Happy Halloween. I'll make a maze tonight (that is, if I don't forget to.)


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gosubtwo3.bas.bin ( 4K )

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