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jboypacman's Blog - Travelling the countryside today.


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Well nothing really happen today so i went to have lunch with Mrs.jboypacman and her fellow co-workers(lovely ladies indeed).


After lunch i went over to one of the local "mom and pop"shops,The Game Exchange to talk with the owner and to look and see if "new" had came in.I must of spent a hour there or so before i decided to leave.


Then i went to the local GameCrazy and talk to the manager who is a friend of mine i hadnt seen in a while and to look at whats new for the Wii(Alien Syndrone!)and argue over the PS3 vs Wii(we always do that for fun).


After i left there i went to the Salvation Army next store and they had nothing as they normal do(I have better luck at GoodWill but not much more).


Stopped to get gas and a couple of Lotto Tickets(Come on baby!)and that was it for today and now am back home wait for the Mrs. and then its off to get some supplies and then dinner and bed.



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