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atari2600land's Blog - Pic-Tac-Toe


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Here's I want for the label (if I ever get it to sell.) Something kind of like this:









Either something like this or a picture like this squared for a Atari picture label. I used MS Paint to make this as I have no other tools. I use MS Paint a lot to either draw stuff or fine-tune something I hand-draw (like my comics.) Usually, I also put in text because my handwriting is kinda hard to read. Well, anyway, if I ever finish the tic-tac-toe game (now with two-player mode.), I'd probably have a label contest for it because my drawing probably stinks. I think i have great ideas, but I can't execute them because my hands won't let me. Anyway, here's a binary file of the latest file.


Attached File(s)



tictactoe9.bas.bin ( 16K )

Number of downloads: 0






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