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jboypacman's Blog - Rambling and Rambling along.


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Just thought i would do up some random ramblings as i do every now and then......


GameBlips now has 27 game reviews up now which is great! This is way i havnt done any reviews in my blog as of late as they have all been going over to the GameBlips site.


I have Adventure II up for sell on the marketplace and this is a boxed copy with the gold key.I normally would just trade this but after talking to Mister EricDeLee about the Duo-R i decided i am going to take the plunge too and snag one up so that's why am going to sale.


Looking to just break even on it and maybe make a few extra bones so $60 sounds good to me and if i dont sell it i plan on doing a little trade with my good friend Phantom. ;)


Man,with Fire Pro Wrestling coming to the US for the PS2 i might have no choice and go and buy it along with thoses Tatio Legends collections and i dont even have a PS2!


Metal Slug Collection for the Wii sure is awesome and its just one more reason for me to get a Nintendo Wii along with Wii Sports and Alien Syndrome.


I have some loose Lynx and Atari Jaguar games up for trade in the marketplace too if anyone is intrested so feel free to check it out.


Still playing Wizard of Wor for my Atari 5200 and just loving it as this version is pretty sweet!


Well thats it gang so i will everyone next time so untill then take care one and all. :)







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