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jboypacman's Blog - Wizard of Wor is the real WoW.


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If you ever have seen my signature as of late on any of my post you will see this........


"Wizard of Wor is the real WoW not World of Warcraft".


Yup this is true for me as i have had no intrest what so ever in Warcraft or any other game like this.I dont play PC games and the last time i did play a game on PC was when Doom came out and i did that all of a week.


One of really good friend Marc aka Ubergoat or simply the Goat is big into World of Warcraft and thats where i got the ideal for the signature am using at the moment.


I was talking to him online on night asking him what he was up too and as the normal he was playing Warcraft and having just gotten the Atari 5200 version of Wizard of Wor i said "Oh your playing WoW aka Wizard of Wor".


After that i would send him a IM saying that Wizard was the real WoW and stuff like that and i like it so much i added as my Sig. :)





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