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EricDeLee's Blog - Big Announcement!


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Big Announcent!!


Well... I'm happy to announce that I proposed to my girlfriend finally and will be getting married around August of next year!


This weekend, I decided to finally make use of the engagement ring I've been holding onto for a while now. I called up my fiance's father and spoke to him about his daughter. I think it was harder to ask him then it was to ask her.


My Fiance and her entire family have been waiting for this. She hasn't been married before... so this is the first time he will get to walk someone down the aisle. It is tough to say who is happier... her or her father. I don't think too many people actually ask the fathers nowadays. It is a lost tradition... that's for sure.


Well... that's pretty much it. LOL Not an earth-shaking announcement for a lot of people here... but it is a HUGE announcement for me. I really did not think I'd go down that road again... but I will.


:) :) :) :)



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