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jboypacman's Blog - My dog Jake hates video games!


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Me and Mrs.Jboypacman own three dogs Zeus,Eddie,and Jake and of the three Jake the Italian Greyhound hates video games.


Its true! everytime i go to play a game of something the little fellow starts barking at me! making it very hard to focus on what am playing.


A lot of times i wait untill he is asleep or in the bedroom with Mrs.Jboy so i can play with a little peace and quite.


He is great dog but just hates video games for some reason and he wont bark at me when am on the computer or reading something just when i am playing games.


I love him but i could just kick him across the room sometimes with that barking he does(I would never do that but it has cross my mind more than once,lol.) :)



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