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Ramblings of a teenage Atari fan - As I look over my left shoulder...


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...I can see my game setup. I'm just amazed at how much it has grown this year, especially considering the fact that I've recently gotten myself into the wonderful world of import gaming. Just this year, I've acquired a Famicom and Famicom Disk System, Intellivision II, TG-16, and a Japanese Sega Master System, not to mention the buttload of games for all my systems that I've gotten both from eBay and the Classic Gaming Expo. I suppose you could say my setup is now in a state of metamorphosis. My NES has been regulated to my display shelf because of the Famicom, my VIC-20, C64 and Odyssey 2 are in storage, and even my working 2600 has been put on display, replaced by my 7800. Even now, I am planning to trade my 800XL for an XEGS, and sell off both the TG-16 and Odyssey 2 to help finance my planned purchase of a region modded PC Engine Duo.


I plan on doing some downsizing as well, beginning with my games. I have already taken games I don't play or don't like, and put them in storage. I'm even contemplating selling off those games, no matter how worthless some of them might be. As of now, I don't actually play my games much, and I think it may be because of the sheer size of my collection. Once I begin downsizing, I think I'll be to enjoy my collection even more. What do you guys think?



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