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atari2600land's Blog - Fly!


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There's a stupid fly caught in our house. I was looking up the average lifespan of the housefly on the internet and found it to be between 15-30 days. Well, this is the third day of living with it, so if it lives for a month, I'll have, at most, 27 more days with a stupid fly buzzing around the house. It's annoying, but at least it's not a bee. *knocks on wood* (I knocked on wood, and my dog started barking thinking someone was at the door. I told him it was only me and he sat down and started licking himself.) This makes me want to get out my old SNES and play the Mario Paint mini-game of fly-swatting. That should be an easy thing to port to the Atari 2600. How come nobody's ever done that yet? Well, anyway, I just bought MST3K Collection vol. 11, so I'm going to go finish watching "Ring of Terror."



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