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CpegView 0.5 released


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Version 0.5 of CpegView, the Atari-8 Colour JPEG viewer, is now available:




CpegView is based on the C=64's Juddpeg decoder written by Stephen L. Judd.


Changes since the previous version:

* Added TIP display mode

* Added RIP display mode

* Added support for saving in CIN, TIP and RIP modes

* The viewer can now use extended RAM instead of the RAM under the OS on a 128K or more machine

* Added support for SpartaDos on 128K or more machines

* Image offset values can be changed by pressing the arrow keys while the image is displayed

* Reduced the amount of colour flickering while decoding

* Small speed improvement

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First you must provide ATRUtil program with ATR file (created with this utility or elsewhere), then open it with Open button in Image Operations, choose Extrct Bin button in File Operations and select file you want to add to this ATR file. After you are satisfied with the current image of the ATR, just save it with Save (or Save As for different name). And be sure you save it in ATR format.

Edited by Gury
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RJE, you have made a WONDERFUL PROGRAM!


I've seen that CpegView is also able to save.

What can I do with these saved files?

It would be nice to have a program able to do a slideshow with the converted images present on a disk.


Another question.

What is the right source image size for best results in TIP display mode (the mode that I prefer)?

Edited by Philsan
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- for Apac simply use Apacview or the Apacview-Slideshow program (but alas, Cpegview does not save to Apacmode) or any other Apacmode viewer...

- for CIN use the CIN painter/viewer or simply Lepix (CIN version) or Megaplayer 2.0 by MacGyver or The Projector or MultiGraphView (1.2 or 1.3)...

- for RIP and HIP use Visage 2.5 or Visage 2.7 by MadTeam.

- for TIP use Visage 2.7 by Madteam or Tipview by Epi.


Ok, not all of the above examples are correct, so just try some of these programs... -Andreas Koch.

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Sometimes I get error 164 when I try to convert jpeg files.

What does it means?


It's a DOS error, the exact meaning depends on which DOS you're using, but 164 is usually a corrupt file.


Try copying the file to another disk (or ATR or ramdisk) using the DOS copy command, if that still gives an error 164 then something went wrong when you copied the file on to your disk, unless it worked before and then suddenly stopped working.


The best size for images for TIP mode is 320x200 pixels


Thanks for the kudos guys, let me know if you find any bugs :-)

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how about adding RGB mode ?!? Not the three separate R,G,B picture mode (as in Colorview by Jeff Potter), but the one with "one" RLE packed RGB file (as in Colorviewsquash by Clay Halliwell)... Why? Simply because the older converters were written for GIF to R,G,B and RGB conversion. One could convert GIF to Gr.8 RGB, Gr.9 RGB and Gr. 15 RGB. Theoretically one could achieve 2x2x2 colors (Gr. 8 ), 16x16x16 colors (Gr.9) or 4x4x4 colors (Gr. 15). So in theory one could reach up to 4096 colors in Gr. 9 RGB mode - but since GIF pictures have only 256 colors... maybe we would have some more luck with converting 24 bit JPEG to Gr. 9 RGB to see up to 4096 colors on the A8... just a thought.


And another one... in the past I have often seen interlaced Gr.8 pictures (converted from the Atari ST) with a resolution of 640x200 pixels and 4 greys (simply two Gr.8 pic.) on the A8. Think this could be done easily with the greyscale JPEG converter... But, hey Gr. 8 means one color, two luminances, if we choose a different color than grey, let`s say yellow-green for one gr.8 picture (thus the darker lum. would appear as green, the brighter one as yellow) and violet for the second gr. 8 picture (thus the darker lum. would more appear as blue, while the lighter lum. would more appear as red) we could theoretically reach up to four colors with a resolution of 640x200 couldn`t we ?!? Maybe worth a test for the JPEG converter, even if its only for the higher resolution with four greys...


Enough for now. Greetings and thanks for this great program - Andreas Koch.

Edited by CharlieChaplin
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Yes, I'm a purist and I always try to use DOS 2.5...

I have CpegView in a DOS 2.5 disk in (emulator) drive 1.

In drive 2 I have a mydos disk where I put the jpeg files with AtrUtil95 (I use mydos because this utility doesn't support files transfers from pc to DOS 2.5).

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Yes, I'm a purist and I always try to use DOS 2.5...

I have CpegView in a DOS 2.5 disk in (emulator) drive 1.

In drive 2 I have a mydos disk where I put the jpeg files with AtrUtil95 (I use mydos because this utility doesn't support files transfers from pc to DOS 2.5).

How big is the mydos disk image? Dos 2.5 will not be able to access anything other than a single density (87K) MyDos disk. (enhanced density formats are different). The best thing would be to put CPegView on a mydos boot disk (this will also let you have a data disk that is a lot bigger than normal sizes). If you do'nt want to do that you will need to create a dos2.5 work disk to insert your jpeg files into.



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The problem was that as data disk I was using a MyDos 127K or 170K disk with my CpegViewer DOS 2.5 disk.

Do you know a program able to insert pc files to a DOS 2.5 disk (AtrUtil95 supports only MyDisk)?


Another problem.

As source files I use pictures of 320x200 pixels as suggested by the author but the program cuts the last ~15 lines of the source files.

Edited by Philsan
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Another problem.

As source files I use pictures of 320x200 pixels as suggested by the author but the program cuts the last ~15 lines of the source files.


That's a bug, I've had a look at it and we're losing the last 8 lines in most modes and the last 16 lines in TIP.


So for now make that 320x184 for TIP images. I'll get that fixed for the next version

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I have scanned more than 300 girl-pics and saved/converted them to 320x200 pixels 24bit JPEG`s. Whenever I load a couple of them into the CPEGview 0.5 and convert them a) to APAC (Gr. 9+11) mode and b) RIP32 (Gr. 9+10) mode, I notice there is no difference visible in resolution or number of colors. First I thought, hey it is only this (one) picture, which does not have so many colors (only 11,000 of possible 16,7 millions), but after a while and downloading + converting more than 20 pictures I still do not notice any difference in colors or resolution. So I thought, hey maybe my eyes are getting old and I asked my wife to take a look at the pics, but she also did not notice any difference regarding colors or resolution... So, could it be that there is a bug in CPEGview 0.5 which makes APAC and RIP32 look the same ?!? Just for curiosity I loaded the older A8JPEG program and converted the same pics to HIP, no colors then of course, but the resolution seemed to be higher than in RIP32 mode...


Besides it might also be a DOS problem, currently I am using Turbo-DOS XL/XE by Reitershan, which is DOS 2 and DOS 2.5 compatible and does not use RAM under the OS (the A8JPEG program works fine with TurboDOS, even in the 64k modes, like HIP). And err, CPEGview lets you choose between RAM under the OS and eXtra RAM - but does it require a Ramdisk driver to use the extra RAM or does it have its own driver to access the extra RAM on my 576k XL ?!? -Andreas Koch.

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The problem was that as data disk I was using a MyDos 127K or 170K disk with my CpegViewer DOS 2.5 disk.

Do you know a program able to insert pc files to a DOS 2.5 disk (AtrUtil95 supports only MyDisk)?

I thought ATRUtil had supported inserting into DOS 2.5 enhanced density images (127K), but it has been quite a while since I created it. You will not be able to use 170K disk images since DOS 2.5 doesn't support that. If you create a single density MyDos image that should work. If you are using an emulator that supports an H: drive to read/write directly to/from your hard drive that is another option. You may have to enable an option in the emulator to allow writing.

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I thought ATRUtil had supported inserting into DOS 2.5 enhanced density images (127K), but it has been quite a while since I created it.

You're the autor of ATRUtil?

What I like of this forum is that here there is Atari programmers gotha (and very few fanboys).

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You're the autor of ATRUtil?

What I like of this forum is that here there is Atari programmers gotha (and very few fanboys).

If you like my interface you can see if this program by someone else can handle dos 2.5 enhanced density better: http://serious-dial.atari.pl/makeATR/galeria.html

Another program that can manipulate images: http://www.hcrburk.de/hpatari.html

Any my (neglected) Atari page: http://atari.ksiders.tzo.com



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