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CpegView 0.5 released


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I have scanned more than 300 girl-pics and saved/converted them to 320x200 pixels 24bit JPEG`s. Whenever I load a couple of them into the CPEGview 0.5 and convert them a) to APAC (Gr. 9+11) mode and b) RIP32 (Gr. 9+10) mode, I notice there is no difference visible in resolution or number of colors.


CPEGview lets you choose between RAM under the OS and eXtra RAM - but does it require a Ramdisk driver to use the extra RAM or does it have its own driver to access the extra RAM on my 576k XL ?!? -Andreas Koch.


I had a look at this, and it's not so much a bug as a result of the way RIP images are being generated. If you look at the RIP images in an emulator and pause the screen, you can see that alternate lines are offset by 1/2 pixel, while the APAC images are not.


The problem with RIP is that you're limited to using 9 colour values [per line]. The best way of generating a RIP image would be to select the best colours to use based on the colours in the image, and then use those. But that involves figuring out the best colours to use for each image. For the time being I've chosen a fixed set of colour values, so it generates images that are OK, but not as good as they could be. Improving that is a task for the next version. =)


No extra RAM driver is required, it accesses an extra RAM bank directly and will work with any XE compatible memory extension. The flip side of that is that it may corrupt your ramdisk if you're using one at the same time.

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Thanks! This is exactly the upgrade that was needed.


I have noticed a problem when using the Xtended RAM though. I get green bands through the picture. It works fine when using the RAM under the OS. I am testing this on an NTSC 130XE, using the 320KB Peterson upgrade (mem upgrade is working correctly) and MyDOS 4.53.


Stephen Anderson

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Thanks! This is exactly the upgrade that was needed.


I have noticed a problem when using the Xtended RAM though. I get green bands through the picture. It works fine when using the RAM under the OS. I am testing this on an NTSC 130XE, using the 320KB Peterson upgrade (mem upgrade is working correctly) and MyDOS 4.53.


I've not been able to reproduce this problem, does it happen with all images? Are you reading the source image from a floppy? Can you send me a copy of the image?



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Thanks! This is exactly the upgrade that was needed.


I have noticed a problem when using the Xtended RAM though. I get green bands through the picture. It works fine when using the RAM under the OS. I am testing this on an NTSC 130XE, using the 320KB Peterson upgrade (mem upgrade is working correctly) and MyDOS 4.53.


I've not been able to reproduce this problem, does it happen with all images? Are you reading the source image from a floppy? Can you send me a copy of the image?




I will do some further testing ASAP. I was reading the files via APE & SIO2PC. I switched to Xtended memory after viewing some pics in the other mode first. When I switched back, they displayed fine.


Stephen Anderson

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  • 4 weeks later...
Another problem.

As source files I use pictures of 320x200 pixels as suggested by the author but the program cuts the last ~15 lines of the source files.

That's a bug, I've had a look at it and we're losing the last 8 lines in most modes and the last 16 lines in TIP.

So for now make that 320x184 for TIP images. I'll get that fixed for the next version

Have you solved the problem?

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Another problem.

As source files I use pictures of 320x200 pixels as suggested by the author but the program cuts the last ~15 lines of the source files.

That's a bug, I've had a look at it and we're losing the last 8 lines in most modes and the last 16 lines in TIP.

So for now make that 320x184 for TIP images. I'll get that fixed for the next version

Have you solved the problem?


I've fixed the problem with the last 16 lines being lost, but I've not been able to track the other problem down

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