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EricDeLee's Blog - PC Engine Dou-R and more


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Well... My PC Engine arrived last week. The bad part about it: I didn't have ANY time to really sit down and play any games. I was really busy with work, and then kiddos. I ended up being very tired and for the most part went straight to sleep without any issues at the end of the day.


Today... things will start to slow down again for me. Thank GOD!


I had to get up at 4AM in order to take my boy to the airport. So that kind of sucked. So from there... I decided to come straight to work. I plan on leaving around noon... or something like that... just so I can take a breather or two. Perhaps I'll play the Duo-R finally.


Speaking of that... let's get a bit more into that.


I got my package last week from D-Lite over at the PCenginefx boards. If you have not dealt with him before, I suggest that you give him a message prior to diving into the PC Engine world. He was a great help and a very nice person to deal with. ou can tell he is busy, but he still makes it a point to answer your questions and best of all: he provides excellent service!


The package was probably the best packaging job I have EVER seen. It was great! The individual Hu Cards were wrapped in bubble wrap, the PC Engine Duo-R had foam wrapped around it. You name it... and this guy did it. I think you could have kicked the box out of the truck while it was going 50 mph and it still would have survived without any issues. Luckily... my mail lady takes care of me and will leave some of my boxes for me at the house (even if someone is not there). Sometimes it is really hard for me to get my items because of my work hours... and she knows that. :)


So... I unpacked everything... and then did a quick look-over. The mod job was very clean looking and I was very happy with that. I ended up getting 35 or so games with the deal He gave me some PC Engine counterparts for the few TG HU Cards I am missing. This will give me a chance to play them and give them a try. I thought that was really cool. He pretty much asked what I wanted, and I told him I was a fan of Hu Cards, so he made sure that I got mostly Hu Cards. I thought that was really cool. I don't think I got anything 'rare' per say. But there are some cool games. I think I ended up with maybe 5 or 6 loose hu cards. The rest were all complete.... mostly with the plastic sleeves as well! I got a complete Street Fighter II Championship Edition as well. Oh... and I got one of those memory bank cards as well. I kind of wanted one for the sake of having one! LOL I tested all of the card games really quick to make sure they work (they did). Then I tried out the Cd based games. I ended up getting 3 of those. A baseball game, a tennis game and Ys IV. Again... I don't think any of that is rare or anything... but that's fine by me. I tried each of them out (spending more time with the baseball one)... and I like the cd system/games a lot better than the Jaguar CD system I had.



Then... well... I decided to try out a few things like burning a copy of Dracula X and the Super Hu Card. The Super HU Card was really easy. It burned a good copy on the very first try. I think it has something like 180 games or something like that. I wonder if you can change the different games somehow for a different selection. Not really sure, but I thought it was cool! I loaded up Galaga 88 to give it a try... and it worked great!


Then I tried a whole week of trying to burn Dracula X. Could not figure it out at all. Then... yesterday before taking my boy to Chuck E Cheese... I thought I'd try it one last time. I had forgotten one small step to the burning process... and re-did it. I plopped it into my Duo-R and guess what? I saw the Konami screen roll out in front of me! It was great! I tried it out for like 2 minutes... then I had to leave. So now I figured out how to do the cd burning fo the pc engine. Which is pretty cool. I seriously don't know if I will collect the cd games for the TG/PCE stuff. I may... but for now I'm happy with just finding a copy and making a disk. The HUCards are the things I really enjoy the most! :)


I'm not sure how many HU Cards are out there... or if I'd be able to get them all (very doubtful)... but I'm going to give it a good try! I'm sitting at over 100 games right now in my HU Card collection... I'm sure there are a few hundred more.


Well... I got to get back to work. Hopefully I'll be out of here in a few hours. I'm a little tired.





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