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Mord's Blog - Display Fixing


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I've fixed the stretching effect you'd see in version 0.014 when the object would get too close to the top of the screen. At least I think I have. :ponder:




Ok, it's almost fixed. Looks like one of the two sprites, while it doesn't stretch, it doesn't display proper data for one scanline above where it should start displaying. But otherwise it's progress! I'll do some quick checking on that now this evening.


After this is fixed I'll be working on object coordinates. In the display, the coordinate values used by objects are different from those used by the player. Which of course makes things a bit funky whenever you need to base an object coordinate based on the player coordinate or vice versa - much like what I need to do for any object that the player will carry around with him in an Adventureish way. Luckily there won't be too many objects that will be like that. Many will go into inventory or be used up when touched, etc. But you know that monsters will need to interact with player coordinates often so this is something that I'll have to work with. First thing I need to do however is reliably get objects placed properly regardless of if they're being displayed by P0 or P1. This is the next step I'm taking.



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