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magnavox oddysey 1972


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Wow, I'm envious !! The original O1 is one classic system, all right. If memory serves, this is the one where the controllers were on the unit itself, yes ? I had a Magnavox system from many moons ago in which there was a few "selections" as chosen by either a knob or switch on the main console, and you had to place celluloid sheets on the TV screen as part of the game...really cheesy titles like "Haunted Hose" in which you had to guide the lighted box from one section to another via two controllers, one that made it go left/right, the other up/down.


About $100-$150 is right on Ebay depending on condition.


Robert T Mruczek

Twin Galaxies - Editor and Chief referee

Star Wars classic arcade champion

(212) 366-3036 (work-day)

rmruczek@doremus.com (work E-MAIL)



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Those are about the easiest piece of electronics to open up and fix. Honestly, its probably a broken wire or a bad solder joint. It is common for the connector at the back of the board where you plug the RF cable into to go bad. Its a poor fit, and too much pressure on the circuit trace.


It is unlikely to have one completely dead, seeing how it is not processor or even chip driven, and each circuit is more or less independent. I would open her up, poke around with a voltmeter, and see what is up.




BTW, inop and complete, minus the styro (I am assuming its the upper piece you are missing, not the lower), the system will go 35-50 bucks, more if the box top is clean.

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