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mos6507's Blog - Force FX Lightsabers


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A couple years back got my first glimpse of the Force FX sabers. At the time I got a case of sticker shock and put it down but deep inside I knew one day I would throw caution to the wind and get them. It's all part of me feeling the need to fulfill my past childhood wishes. The Force FX would have been a dream come true for me in 1977. It's taken that long for technology to enable such a wonder. I got an Obi-Wan saber and will probably get a Yoda for my daughter. (Yeah, the cover story is it's for my daughter.) There are only two drawbacks to these. One, the LEDs make it so that the light isn't completely uniform. Second, the motion sensor is laggy. But with the lights turned low, and the thing humming, it really is a pleasure to just swing it around like a baton. I mean, it's completely frivolous and yet I enjoy it so. It will be so much better when I'm fencing my daughter as a reward for her finishing her homework. This is her graduation beyond the nerf swords we were using before. OK, so my idea of quality time is a little unorthodox, but is probably more healthy than letting her just veg on movies and videogames 24/7. Everything in moderation.







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