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jboypacman's Blog - Good bye Sega Genesis and Hello Sega Dreamcast.


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Today i decided to to take my Sega Genesis and my two remaining games i had for it and a GameBoy(B+W)i had with a carrying case and a few games to The Game Exchange,a local "mom and pop" game shop and trade them for a Sega Dreamcast.


A mistake? Maybe but i really didnt play the Genesis or Gameboy as much as i thought i would but i figure with the Dreamcast i might get more gameplay out of it so we shall see.


For the trade i got a used Dreamcast with hook-ups and controller,a complete copy of Crazy Taxi,and a brand-new,never been used VMU for it(green in color).


Now am going to want a copy of Daytona USA for it for sure but beyond that i will need to refresh my memory on some of the other game titles for the system.


Should be fun regardless so i will just wait and see what happens and what i stumble across in my travels. :)



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