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atari2600land's Blog - M&Ms: Good


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I changed my mind about M&Ms: Break 'Em for GBA. At first, I thought it was unusually worse than the DS version, but as it turns out, I was unknowingly playing level 3 instead of 1. But as I started on level 1 and the levels got harder gradually, it seemed like a better game, in fact, one of - if not the - best games on the GBA this year so far. And call me crazy, but I actually like passwords. In the DS version, it has a battery-pack save, so it keeps progress of the number of lives you have. In the GBA version, you just enter a password, and you always get the starting number of lives no matter what level you're on. Right now, I've got to the end of level 3 and I started level 4, and I think it's really hard, but by then it was after midnight (i started playing at around 11:30) and I was tired. I'll try again tonight. If you have this game and would like to skip ahead, check out the new cheats section of GBA 07 which I've posted the passwords it gives out after every stage is cleared. Heck, if you've beaten the game and have passwords to all the levels, e-mail them to me and I'll put them on the site. What's really interesting (and hard) are the boss levels, where you have to hit the certain color of a baddie's body that changes color a certain number of times (you can change your color, too.) before it dies. I found level 3's boss to be easier than level 1's. Check out my new review at the website mentioned earlier.



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