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Mord's Blog - Fix one, get another.


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Modified the heart placer to spam more hearts out, but more problems surfaced. The display itself is fine. These are with the AI routines. The flickerishness works, although it helped to unmask the AI glitches. The black key can still be lost when moving from screen to screen - if you're leaving a screen currently experiencing flicker. And the heart AI isn't correctly testing for itself. I'm guessing it just accidentally successfully found itself since the value being loaded just happened to equal the Heart_Item constant ID. (both 1.)


This makes itself apparent when you enter a screen and the P1 gets loaded with the flashing heart (something that wouldn't happen before) You'd start flashing the same color as you'd expect - but then you leave the room and you continue to flash, only not red. Apparently the default color, or perhaps black/white. This indicates that it's still picking up the heart's AI condition and running the routine.


Going to look at it tonight and tomorrow. Hopefully I'll fix up the bugs by Saturday evening.



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