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jboypacman's Blog - Boogie Fever! Well not quite.


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I went over to Dalum's last night to check ou EA's Boogie game for the Nintendo Wii and i was pretty excited about having a chance to play this game,well i was untill i played it.


Its a music game along the lines of Sega's Samba De Amigo or Konami's Dance Dance Revolution but not as good i feel after playing this for abit.


You have to listen to the sounds coming out of the Wiimote speaker to allow you to keep beat in the game and i just had a really hard time hearing the clicks from the speaker and knowing just when to move on the game screen.


There is a singing mode that i found to be more fun but still not anuff to want to play it again(although everyone there was laughing there butts off watching me sing K.C. and the Sunshine Band).


Some people may like this game but its not for me really as i rather play Samba De Amigo for Dreamcast or some other beat based game.



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