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Flack's Daily Smack - Labor Day Adventures


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Sunday was day two of our three day weekend. The first thing we did today was go to the zoo. I enjoy going to the zoo with the kids but experiencing the zoo with them is a different pace than I would personally choose. If it were just me by myself I might take my camera and sit for a long time in front of the gorilla exhibit or watch the elephants for a while. With the kids you get about five seconds with each animal, less if they are hiding behind something. The one advantage to the kids' zoo pace is that it turns the visit into a "hit and run" event, which allows us to get in early and get out before it starts getting hot.


After a two hour break we called Jeff and Talon to see if they wanted to go play Laser Tag again; they did, and so we all went to play once again. This time we bought a four game package. The first game was just the four of us. Right after our first game ended nine more people showed up, so our second game contained 13 people. Playing with that many people is a lot different than just walking around looking for Mason and Talon. With 13 people in the maze, finding people isn't the problem -- keeping from smashing into one another is. It was still fun, but a different kind of fun. We learned our lesson last time and this time we brought an ice chest full of water and Cokes. After a break all 13 of us played a third game together, and for our last game another 3 people showed up so we ended up with a total of 16 people. Some of the younger kids were pretty annoying (not ours) and did annoying things like sticking their guns directly into our faces, or following us around for minutes at a time. I ended up winning games one and two, but by the last game both our stamina and scores had faded. Playing with so many people in the arena is fun, but different. I wouldn't mind finding out if they have an "adult league" or something; I think that would be a lot more fun.


After Laser Tag Jeff brought Mason and myself home. Talon and Mason ended up playing videogames for a while while Jeff and I worked on hooking up a doorbell my dad bought for me for my birthday (it's a doorbell that plays mp3s -- review coming soon). I threw out all the knowledge and documentation I had and Jeff worked his way through the electrical parts. He found the doorbell transformer and after a few minutes had me holding a volt meter, testing wires to determine what was what. After a few minutes of troubeshooting we got everything working. For a test run we put on the theme from Ghostbusters but now I've got "Beat It" on there. As Jeff and I worked on the doorbell I thought a lot about our high school days. It seems like Jeff and I were always hooking up a stereo system or wiring up a computer or something back then. It definitely reminded me of those days.


After dinner, Mason told Susan that his ear was hurting him, and that it had been hurting for a while. They ended up going to the doctor's office and sure enough, he has an ear infection. While they were gone Morgan and I played with a couple of learning toys and puzzles. No one had a nap today, so by the time Mason got home everybody was ready for bed.



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