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jboypacman's Blog - Some more Dreamcast stuff.


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Gots some Dreamcast discs from one of the guys at work yesterday........


18 Wheeler,Sonic Adventure 2,Doom 1,2,and Final,NES Emulator,SNES Emulator,GameBoy Emulator,Beats of Rage Strider X,Beats of Rage Mega Sonic, and GTA 2.


I think the Beats of Rage of stuff is neat and i think Mrs.JBoypacman will dig the 18 Wheeler game and the emulators all pretty sweet.


Also thanks to fellow AA member RJ i got Daytona USA through a trade and i really am dig it alot as i used to play this one at the arcade.


The Dreamcast is proving to be a fun little system to own and am glad i finally got around to picking one up. :)



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