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Hey German collectors,


Does anyone of you have a complete list of Quelle games? There are some lists floating around, but I'm not sure if all the titles on those indeed exist. A Quelle catalog or something would be really cool. Anyone?





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Maybe GameReset has a complete list?


Don't know, but the list is large.




StarSoft Black


The second list are double game paks I think.


Thanks for the input. It made me realise I should have been more precise. I was talking about the Quelle brand games (with German titles), not the no-name games. As for the lists you mention, I don't think we should still use the Star Soft name, as this is a non-existing firm.





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Thanks for the input. It made me realise I should have been more precise. I was talking about the Quelle brand games (with German titles), not the no-name games. As for the lists you mention, I don't think we should still use the Star Soft name, as this is a non-existing firm.






This list are from Quelle. They are only list on GameReset as StarSoft. But I am 100% sure they are from Quelle. This stand too on the lists at the top.


I don't know if the list is complete. But I think its near complete.


They must maybe only rename the list. And maybe not all games from StarSoft Black are Quelle. But I think all StarSoft games are from Quelle. And they have all a german name. :D ;)

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The StarSoft list contains lots of the Quelle games, the other one does not contain the Quelle games I am talking about. From the first list, I doubt Baumeister, Piratenschiff, Ufo Patrol, Tennis, Galactic, and Normandy Landing are regular Quelle games (the ones that actually have "Quelle" on the box and manual). The first two are German releases of Spectravision games. Ufo Patrol is part of a Double-Game Package and the others are most likely generic Taiwanese pirates. Obviously, these don't have German names either. Finally, Star Soft really doesn't mean anything and it does hardly help to distinguish games as lots and lots of pirates all over the world used the cases with S.S. molded into the back. We really should stop using it alltogether.


So, I'd still like to see a definitive list of 'real' Quelle games (as described above). :idea:





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my mac crashed before posting the list i made .... damn.


and now my carts are in the storage again :(


i have a about 70 titles .... will relist them soon


also i wrote quite a bit about the differenciation:


1) quelle games with grey or colored labels (with or without SS mark)


2) 2-in-One packs with black labels (one long one short cart, black labels, generally sans serif typo)


3) same ones in single packs (same design than quelle boxes, one long cart, black label, generally sans serif typo)


4) same ones in single packs (similar design than quelle boxes, one short or long cart, black label, cooper black typo)



more later ...

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I am looking for a list that contains games that:


[*]were sold by Quelle AND

[*]have cases with S.S. molded into the back AND

[*]have "Quelle" listed on box and manual AND

[*]have a serial number, like Best.-Nr "719.383 2".


So, no single or double Taiwanese pirate or other crap, like the Bit games. Heck, if we were gonna list everything Quelle sold, we should also include regular releases by Atari, Imagic et al.


So, what I would like to see is a complete and corroborated list of what I would like to call the Real Quelle Deal :)





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I am looking for a list that contains games that:


[*]were sold by Quelle AND

[*]have cases with S.S. molded into the back AND

[*]have "Quelle" listed on box and manual AND

[*]have a serial number, like Best.-Nr "719.383 2".


Das sind ja mehr als drei Wünsche auf einmal. Gibt´s nicht mal beim Überraschungs-Ei ;)

OK, lets wait for the Quelle answer (hope we get one).



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I don't know that such a list exists. Albert and I were discussing Quelle a few weeks ago and we realized that we need to overhaul our Quelle entry. We had initially listed on the basis of 'traditional' Quelle titles but then decided that we should only list titles as Quelle if they meet criteria similar to that which you posted. All the unknown games that were simply sold by Quelle will be moved to Unknown.


I simply haven't had time to go through and fix the list, but I will try to do that soon. Perhaps that can be a starting point, complete with visual representation, for a true Quelle list? If we can help you with this, we'd love to.

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Ok, then we can start our own list. everyone who have a boxed Quelle cart can add it here. I have these game with box from Quelle:


100% from Quelle, but diffrent box and manual, no Quelle on manual. But has a seal from Quelle on the Box like the others:

Bobby geht nach Hause (476.774 5)


all others with Quelle seal and on manual:

Alices Abenteuer (732.273 8)

Der hungrige Panda (731.662 3)

Jagd auf Diamanten-Frisco (875.413 7) (Quelle too on Box)

Robin Hood (I have no manual) (684.733 9)

Schnapp die Apfeldiebe (429.663 8)

Super-Ferrari (402.272 9)

Top Gun (626.502 9)

Ungeheuer der Tiefe (719.013 5)

Vogel Flieh (465.302 8)

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my little boxed collection:


Angriff der Luftflotten 495.4632

Billiard 626.6100

Bobby geht nach Hause 476.7745

Der flinke Architekt 343.3737

Der Vielfraß 176.5437

Die Ente und der Wolf 688.3839

Der moderne Ritter 700.2231

Die Ratte und die Karotten 687.4630

Die Springteufel 176.6542

Die Unterwasser Bestien 463.7344

Dschungel Boy 262.8949

Eddy Langfinger, der Museumsdieb 732.0526

Eishockey-Fieber 873.790.0

Fuchs und SchweinchenSchlau 806.1749

Hili Ball 689.3028

Katastrophein-Einsatz 876.0134

Labyrinth 805.7846

Landungskomando 176.4331

Mein Weg 686.5612

Mission 3000 633.7232

Motocross 719.3832

Pac-Kong 219.2920

Phantom-Panzer 475.6136

Raumbasen-Attacke 732.0740

Robin Hood 684.7339

Schießbude 701.1349

Schnapp die Apfeldiebe 429.6638

Stopp die Gangster 377.9436

Strahlen der Teufelsvögel 463.8607

Super-Cowboy beim Rodeo 874.2546

Super-Ferrari 402.2729

Tom´s Eierjagd 731.5039

Top Gun 626.5029

Vogel Flieh 465.3028

Wachroboter jagt Jupy 715.8535

Weltraumtunnel 292.6517

Wüstenschlacht 262.7941


Günther :)

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Thanks for the kick-off, ren.dhark!

I have added some more titles that I have in my collection:


Alices Abenteur 732.273.8

Angriff der Luftflotten 495.4632

Aufruhr im Zoo 719.694.2

Bermuda 322.913.5

Billiard 626.6100

Bobby geht nach Hause 476.7745

Der flinke Architekt 343.3737

Der Hungrige Panda 731.662.3

Der Vielfraß 176.5437

Die Ente und der Wolf 688.3839

Der moderne Ritter 700.2231

Die Hungrigen Frösche 043.151.0

Die Ratte und die Karotten 687.4630

Die Springteufel 176.6542

Die Unterwasser Bestien 463.7344

Dschungel Boy 262.8949

Eddy Langfinger, der Museumsdieb 732.0526

Eishockey-Fieber 873.790.0

Fuchs und SchweinchenSchlau 806.1749

Gefährlichte Mäusejagd 719.551.4

Gefecht im All 147.443.6

Hili Ball 689.3028

Im Reich der Spinne 322.773.3

Im Schutz der Drachen 719.252.9

Invasion aus der Galaxis 495.563.9

Invasion der UFO's 731.322.1

Jagd auf Diamanten-Frisco 875.413.7

Kampf dem Steinfresser 463.574.4

Kampf im Asteroiden-Gürtel 719.302.2

Kampf um die Schatzinsel 719.163.8

Katastrophein-Einsatz 876.0134

Labyrinth 805.7846

Landung in der Normandie 876.482.1

Landungskomando 176.4331

Marineflieger 176.764.9

Mein Weg 686.5612

Mission 3000 633.7232

Motocross 719.3832

Pac-Kong 219.2920

Phantom-Panzer 475.6136

Phantompanzer II 343.273.9

Raumbasen-Attacke 732.0740

Raumpatrouille 731.064.2

Robin Hood 684.7339

Schießbude 701.1349

Schussel, der Polizistenschreck 731.273.9

Spiderman 495.663.7

Schnapp die Apfeldiebe 429.6638

Stopp die Gangster 377.9436

Strahlen der Teufelsvögel 463.8607

Super-Cowboy beim Rodeo 874.2546

Super-Ferrari 402.2729

Teller Jonglieren 685.996.1

Tom´s Eierjagd 731.5039

Top Gun 626.5029

Ufi und sein Gefährlicher Einsatz 732.174.8

Ungeheuer der Tiefe

Vogel Flieh 465.3028

Wachroboter jagt Jupy 715.8535

Weltraumtunnel 292.6517

Winterjagd 343.073.3

Wüstenschlacht 262.7941


Also, I have two that come in boxes that are slightly different, and also have a different serial number:


Feuerwehr im Einsatz 657644

Kampf in der Galaxie 657644


So, there are at least 62 'real' Quelle games, and 64 if we count these two.

Anybody got any more Quelle games that are not yet listed here?





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Just an idea: I browsed ebay.de and there are about 15 - 20 auctions with Quelle catalogs, some of them from the early 80s. The catalogs go for about 3 - 15 Euros. I would buy some, but shipping charge would be more than 15 Euros from Germany to Austria. So maybe any of you German guys might be interested and scan the Atari pages for us then ... :)




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i picked up about 25 (!) different pages of quelle / otto/ ... -catalogs at the 8-bit meeting in francfort ....


and none has anything mentioning their games ...


i believe that quelle wasn't into getting legal trouble, so they just not promoted the games.


little conspiracy theory: the big warehouse got the ok to produce games in mass-production, possibly to "save the market" with producing "new" stuff, and that might have been at the same place that atari produces their carts in asia (remember that older consp. theory), but on the other side they were not allowed to promote them.


i can't believe that such a big company would have done completely illegal bootlegs in such high quantity (over 60 titles!!!). even in the outlaw-market brasil, a company with financial power like CCE only made a few more titles ...


and i can't imagine that quelle bought all the rights for the games ... i don't think even bill gates would have financed that in the early eighties


just a thought ...



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here's one from 77.




i asked the seller if it allready has the VCS inside, although i don't really believe it.


i'll let you know.


maybe i'll try to snipe that one ... but it seems there is special katalog collectors and they sometimes spent pretty much for those catalogs ...


btw, i picked up a box from the SP- series, i had never seen those before:




interesting that there must be many other boxes in that style out there ....


and a bit frightening for our purse, isn't it marco ;)


scans will be uploaded to atariage as soon as i have them here (i'm picking up günther's too)



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btw, i picked up a box from the SP- series, i had never seen those before:




interesting that there must be many other boxes in that style out there ....


and a bit frightening for our purse, isn't it marco  ;)


scans will be uploaded to atariage as soon as i have them here (i'm picking up günther's too)




I have one boxed SP too. I own SP-204 Sternen-Kampf. I have get it with 4 other complete boxed games for only 20,- Euro. :P :D

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ok, he replied and told me that the 77 katalog only contains pongs but no VCS console


the box i won isn't credited .... not on the front at least .... i'll post more infos when i'll have the boxes.


they were suposedly distributed by ariola as well (beeing ripoff of suntek/rainbowvision games and comming from the same sources than the HES/activision games) so they tend to be called ariola-games ... that's more or less under what i file them

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btw, i picked up a box from the SP- series, i had never seen those before:




interesting that there must be many other boxes in that style out there ....


and a bit frightening for our purse, isn't it marco  ;)


scans will be uploaded to atariage as soon as i have them here (i'm picking up günther's too)


hehe ... one for you, one for me :D



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