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jboypacman's Blog - More QuickShots.


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Asteroids for the Atari 2600:


A Atari 2600 classic based off the Atari arcade classic.

Features 66 game variations.

Much easier than its arcade counterpart.

The asteroids in the game move in predictable patterns.


Atlantis for the Atari 2600:


This Imagic game is based off of the Tatio arcade game Colony 7.

Features colorful graphics and decent sounds.

Two-player CO-OP mode is featured in this game.

A prequel to another Imagic 2600 title....Cosmic Ark.

One of the first home video games to have a "true ending" of sorts.


Infiltrate for the Atari 2600:


Fast-paced 2600 platformer by Apollo games.

1 or 2 players.

Its kill or be killed as the enemies in this game can shoot back at you.

Controls in Infiltrate can be abit "Touchy" at times.

Infiltrate has a spy theme of sorts going for it.






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