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The Upward Spiral - judgement impaired


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The sprite judgement simplifications triggered by (among other things) trying to get a 6507 to divide by 7 repeatedly in VBLANK have begun ...


The new judgement system is inspired by an "all or nothing" approach: either draw the full sprite, or don't try. I also got rid of the temporary drawing list expansion, and some more convoluted logic, by making the drawing-list into two byte-lists, one for a sprite index, one for a positioning code. During judgement, the positioning codes are Y values, afterwards, they're converted to X codes for RESPx/HMPx adjustments. The X values have to be recomputed as the list is being chained together, since they're all relative anyways.


Here's the "first" draft of the new judgement code. $1 is 1 or 2 for each drawing list. (The subroutine/macro is expanded twice.) Note that a sprite could potentially be drawn on both lists, if it's very lucky, but that would mean there was nobody else who wanted that slot anyways. Also, there are any number of inefficiencies here, probably.


Yeah, there are TODO's still -- I have to run in the middle of a rewrite :-( as usual. You (for certain values of "you") get the gist.


  ;; Sprite handling: judgement code
  ;; This is unrolled twice, with different postfixes to expand
  ;; it into drawlist1 and drawlist2.
 define({[MAKE_DRAWING_LIST]}, {[
  ;; clear the drawing list
  lda #$ff
  ldx #0
  sta drawlist$1-1,y
  stx drawlist$1pos-1,y
  bne .clear_drawing_list
  if [ $1 == 1 ]
  ;; if this is an odd field, inject the player-character
  lda field_counter
  and #1
  beq .skip_player
  lda #0
  sta drawlist1
  lda player_y
  sta drawlistpos1
  ;; fall through and consider the first non-player sprite as usual
  ;; set the current search sprite to the next sprite in cycle,
  ;; and bump the start_sprite index.
  ldx start_sprite
  lda num_sprites
  inc start_sprite
  cmp start_sprite
  bne .start_ok
  lda #1
  sta start_sprite
  ;; if slot 0 is open, claim it
lda drawlist$1
cmp #$ff
bne .consider_sprite
stx drawlist$1
lda sprite_y,x
sta drawlist$1pos
jmp .consider_next_sprite

  lda sprite_y,x
  sta my_y
  clc		 ;safety
  lda drawlist$1pos,y ;his position
  adc #8		 ;his height in linesets
  cmp my_y
  ;; am I after him? then it's too late, since we're going
  ;; backwards, I don't get a slot here.
  bpl .consider_next_sprite
  ;; who's before him?
  cpy #0		 ;anybody before?
  beq .try_to_claim
  ;; am I before the guy before? then I need to keep walking the list
  lda drawlist$1pos,y
  cmp my_y
  bmi .walk_list
  ;; I fall between the slots, that's good, let's try to claim it
  ;; We want this slot, but will we fit with horizontal repositioning?
  sty want_slot
  ;; Repositioning in scanlines -- 8px per HMPx or 48px per RESPx
  ;; Following sprite
  lda drawlist$1,y
  cmp #$ff
  beq .no_following
  lda sprite_x,y
  sbc sprite_x,x
  bpl .sign_ok
  eor #$ff	 ;invert to positive number
  bpl .sign_ok	 ;always taken
  lda #0
  sta tmp0	 ;the number of clocks by which to move, so far
  ;; TODO: make sure that this occurs before sprite starts
  ldy want_slot
  beq .no_prior
  lda drawlist$1,y
  cmp #$ff
  beq .no_prior
  lda sprite_x,y
  sbc sprite_x,x
  bpl .sign_ok_too
  eor #$ff
  bpl .sign_ok_too
  lda #0
  adc tmp0	 ;total number of movement clocks
  ;; TODO: make sure this occurs before the following sprite starts
  ;; TODO: move up subsequent sprites in the list
  lda my_y
  ldy want_slot
  sta drawlist$1pos,y
  stx drawlist$1,y
  cpx num_sprites
  bne .consider_sprite
  ;; This drawing-list is full. Stop looking at it.


EDIT: lda #1 after bne .start_ok -- don't consider the player-character, it's special-cased on odd fields.

EDIT2: correct slot 0 claiming for new RAM layout



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