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atari2600land's Blog - Grandpa's new cat


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Since my Grandma died about two years ago, he had her cat to keep him company. Last month, though, the cat got really sick and decided to put the cat to sleep. He had been really depressed, so me & mom really didn't think he'd get another one, but his depression comes and goes, and he got out of his funk and yesterday wanted to show us the cat he had on hold at the humane society. So we went in the cat visiting room and she was really playful, playing with us and his cane. Yesterday, he took the cat home and renamed it Holly 4. My mom really liked the original name of Tulip, and doesn't get why people get new pets and rename them the same thing as their previous ones. Holly 3 was the cat that died originally. Before that, there was a Holly 2 and the original Holly. I vaguely remember Holly 2 and was too young to remember Holly 1. The explanation he gave for naming the cat Holly 4 was that it was what grandma would want. Well, she's dead, so I think he should name the cat something different, but I guess it's his cat and he should name it whatever he wants to. Maybe he thinks that grandma is haunting him or something... ;)



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