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Mord's Blog - Back to the Code.


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I've also been playing Aardwolf more actively lately, but the main thing to report is that I've added the new code to the main sources yesterday. I had added most of it and things worked for the most part, properly. I noticed one of the hearts that would jump to a new position/room whenever I entered a new room and it kind of puzzled me for a bit.


Then I remembered this was expected. Local_03 slot is cleared when leaving a room - all local/room slots will be like that eventually, so obviously the heart placer would detect the now vacant slot and roll up another random heart for it. So that was ok. But then I remembered. I never added any of the code associated with the new room object I wrote, including the data for it! I also needed to add the TickTimer code for splicing some actions up between frames. Things that don't need to be done every frame or would benefit from being don less often would go into this section of code.


So I added that stuff.


And things stopped working.


All I'm getting right now is a black screen. Looking at the debugger in Stella, I see the ram alternate between an initialized state (all zeros) and a right-after initialized state. (Probably the result of the init-variables triggering.) And if I go with the Frame+ button, I see it alternate between the two states. So something in that code is messed up. Most likely a comparision or branch. I'll be doing some checking into it this afternoon after I wake up and before I go to work.



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