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GameCubing With Rogmeister - Wow, I've Been Gone Awhile...


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My last post was made over 3 months ago. Part of that was because in July, I went into the hospital and had open-heart surgery. I'm still recovering from that but will try to get back to this blog on at least a semi-regular basis. These days, I seem to be concentrating on two systems, one console (Nintendo GameCube) and one portable (Nintendo DS). I may pull out my Xbox system soon so I have two consoles hooked up...I gave away all my PS2 games except for one so that's not really one I'll be playing...and I never did get a PS3, Wii or Xbox 360 and don't plan to even if I could find one.


My family has helped me try to get my apartment organized and as a result, many of my video games and DVDs got put away into storage tubs...I'm still missing a few GameCube games here and there but I've managed to gather aboout 112 of them together. The 5-10 of them I'm still missing should show up eventually. Two such games I've not found yet are All-Star Baseball 2003 and 2004...of course, some would consider those to be a small loss. Besides, I still have handy my favorite baseball game, MVP Baseball, which I've been playing a lot so my need for a little hardball is easily taken care of. Regarding my other systems which are currently put away, I may be getting rid of some more systems. Giving away my PS2 games was the first effort in my move to thin out my gaming collection...but it probably won't be the end of that effort.



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