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Mord's Blog - Another Week Passes.


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Adding this special type of room object is proving to be a bit more difficult than I had planned. The idea is that one of the 3 room object slots would be able to avoid flickering even in the worst of conditions by just causing the other sprite to handle the flickering of all the other possible objects. This is best for when collision between two objects is important.


At any rate it's not working properly yet. Haven't had a chance to check the object's AI and collision routines - I just have them short circuit with a rts for now. The problem is somewhere in the loading of P0 (our designated no-flicker sprite which is where a noflicker sprite will have to be loaded. Loading a noflicker sprite into P1 or into any other item slot besides Local_03 will just have it treated like a regular flicker-subjected object.


All I know at present is that data is getting corrupted somewhere and as far as I know it's directly tied with how I handle the Local_03 object and P0 in the cases of noflicker objects. I can load the new room object into any other slot and it'll display properly. But if I try to directly load it into Local_03 - it doesn't work. In fact it acts the same way it does when I try loading it through the room loader.


It's getting under control all the same but at least I'm a lot closer to finding the semantic bug(s) involved right now than I was on Friday. That being said, however, I'm giving it a break for tonight. I'll get back to work on this probably on Tuesday. Got some running around to do tomorrow so probably won't get much time in front of the comp before heading to work.



On the plus side: The Object Manager is now more intelligent when selecting objects to display/flicker. If you're carrying an object or an object and you push it off the screen, the object manager will not load it into P0 or P1 for display - thereby reducing on object flickering. While I can't test it just yet to verify, the flicker problem between noflicker objects and normal objects should also be improved. Before this mess if you had just 2 sprites in the room, one noflicker and one regular (obviously), then the regular one would STILL flicker. (It would basically copy P0, the noflicker object, into P1 every second screen.) That issue should also be corrected.


Hopefully work won't be too busy this week and I'll have more time to hunt down the above issues before friday. :)




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