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OpCode Games Down ?


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This would explain why I never received a response to my email requesting a "fixed" Magical Tree cart, as offered on the website for those with defectives. Are people in my boat shit out of luck, then?

See post #17 in this thread. Apparently, Eduardo is still willing to pursue the recall operation.

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I did not sell OPGAMES though for $65. I sold Space Invaders Collection for $34.95 but I still have one. I bought another one because my original box was damaged. I did sell Sky Jaguar for $39.95 and YIE AR KUNG FU for $39.95. When you take into account eBay fees and PayPal I would hardly say that I profit was my motivator for these games. Eduardo does excellent work. I sold off every Coleco game that I had because I was really short on money one month but I still kept a copy of Space Invaders Collection.


Sorry McGrail, didn't mean that as a disparaging remark if it was taken that way. While I appear to be wrong about it being you, I'm still pretty confident that I saw SOMEONE selling the opcode games for $65 BIN earlier this year (and they sold-- or 2 do the 3 did I think). But I have nothing to back it up, so maybe it's just a bad memory. :)


Two other things on this-- Eduardo, is there a reason or cost saving to sending the printing work back to Brazil? I would think now that you're here in teh US you could get the printing done here much cheaper, especially an online shop. I get my business cards online in a full color gloss stock (similar to a game box thickness and coloring) for about 75% less than a standard Office Depot or store would offer.


Also, another idea that has popped in to my head, and I'm not sure how well it would fly... But what about the idea of producing a batch of the Road Fighter carts, and maybe selling a handful here on commitment, but then selling the rest on Ebay with a $25 starting bid? My thinking is that you'd get top dollar from those who really want it, and even create a scarcity for the game that could help drive sales. This could also increase the bottom line and help motivate future titles. :) Just a thought.


With that in mind, put me down for 2 here, please. :)



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This would explain why I never received a response to my email requesting a "fixed" Magical Tree cart, as offered on the website for those with defectives. Are people in my boat shit out of luck, then?

See post #17 in this thread. Apparently, Eduardo is still willing to pursue the recall operation.

Yeah, I saw that after I posted above. It's now an issue of holding onto a buggy cart or taking a shot on a replacement arriving in the mail (after being ignored before). :)


I've always enjoyed the OpCode releases, but must admit to being more than dismayed at "discovering" the solution to my particular problem by chance, here.

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Also, another idea that has popped in to my head, and I'm not sure how well it would fly... But what about the idea of producing a batch of the Road Fighter carts, and maybe selling a handful here on commitment, but then selling the rest on Ebay with a $25 starting bid? My thinking is that you'd get top dollar from those who really want it, and even create a scarcity for the game that could help drive sales.

This seems silly, when the game can be produced on-demand in batches. No one likes [feeling like he/she is] being taken advantage of. Granted, there is a class of collectors that don't notice anything unless it's waved under their collective nose on eBay. It would be more efficient to move quantities as fixed-price listings, though, and not as a series of biddable listings.

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Two other things on this-- Eduardo, is there a reason or cost saving to sending the printing work back to Brazil? I would think now that you're here in teh US you could get the printing done here much cheaper, especially an online shop. I get my business cards online in a full color gloss stock (similar to a game box thickness and coloring) for about 75% less than a standard Office Depot or store would offer.

If I may insert a small comment here, it's not as simple as contacting a printer and placing an order. This past summer, I approached two different printer companies in my area (in Canada) for our Opcode projects. The guy I met face-to-face at the first company told me he would provide me with a price list for different printing options for our boxes, but even after repeated e-mails, I could never get that darn price list. In effect, they simply didn't bother to put any effort into it, probably because our printing order was too small. The second company I contacted said that they were not interested in helping us because they didn't want to be associated with a group of people who release copyrighted/trademarked games without the consent of the owners (Konami, in Road Fighter's case). It's a case of business reputation, apparently.


There's also the fact that no matter how long I discuss the subject with anyone, I simply can't wrap my head around the different printing options available. So when I walk into the office of a printer company, I essentially go in blind, show them the boxes of existing Opcode games to demonstrate what we're aiming for, and try not to look too stupid when they throw their technical mumbo-jumbo at me. It's not easy at all, and after that second failed attempt, I told Eduardo that he should try to find a printer in his own area. Then Eduardo fell ill again, and things haven't gotten anywhere since.


So why are we still considering doing business with that Brazilian company? Because Eduardo has done business with them in the past, and we know they'll do it again, and we know what to expect in terms of manufactured products. This is especially important to me, because I don't feel comfortable engaging over a thousand dollars in a business transaction with a faceless guy over the internet. For this kind of business, I have to meet people, talk to them, see if they understand my needs, and see what kind of products they make. I can't do that in a satisfactory manner over the internet.


Also, another idea that has popped in to my head, and I'm not sure how well it would fly... But what about the idea of producing a batch of the Road Fighter carts, and maybe selling a handful here on commitment, but then selling the rest on Ebay with a $25 starting bid? My thinking is that you'd get top dollar from those who really want it, and even create a scarcity for the game that could help drive sales. This could also increase the bottom line and help motivate future titles. :) Just a thought.

We've always kept a low profile with our releases, in an effort to stay under the radar of video game companies. How do you think Konami may react if they see us selling copies of Road Fighter to the highest bidders on eBay? It would give them the perfect excuse to trouble us with legal actions. Our activities need to keep their "non-profit homebrew" aura in order for the likes of Konami to leave us alone. All issues of quality aside, we're just doing all this for fun, not profit.

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Hello, Opcode.


It certainly has been some time since I last posted here (several months ago).


It was a surprise to read this thread. I never read any of your blogs, so all I knew about you and your operation was the games.


Be assured of this- if you are to be considered a third-party company, you are easily the best one for the ColecoVision that ever was. Is there anyone here who would even dare suggest that any of the Space Invaders Collection games would have turned out as brilliantly back in the 1980s? I can guarantee you that that would never have happened.


And just look at Pac-Man Collection. Even the great Atarisoft version pales by comparison.


I was intrigued to hear that you have moved here to America. Is this true? If so, then, well...welcome here.


The concern shown for you is genuine, even though you have never actually met most of us here. Times are hard these days (my current work consists of loading 200+ pound logs into pickup trucks- by hand), but your games did more than trigger nostalgia from the past- it actually gave us something good in the present and future for something we fondly remember from years ago; in my case, from a better time. For that, I am very grateful- something to look forward to, just as back then!


Please be careful about "medication," and consider very carefully before taking any. For the past three decades, that seems to be the answer to everything. These drugs can be dangerous, as seen a number of times recently. If you are depressed, first try to find out what DIDN'T make you so, and try to regain it. Maybe enhance those things.


Best of luck to you!

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Ok, thanks for all nice comments and advices. So let me see:


1) Please keep me sending your names to the Road Fighter reservation list. Since some of you simply posted the request here, I am not going to reply individual requests. But I will keep counting...

About the package, I contacted my printer in Brazil today. Still waiting for the final quote. Anyway I will also try to find a printer in my area here just to check how much it would cost to print in the US. I still think it would be more expensive. And I don't want quality to suffer. Laser printing isn't an option in my perfect world. :)


2) I have played a lot of Road Fighter to the point that I believe it is bug free. I am now waiting feedback from Luc to start assembling cartridges. I think I can assemble 50 carts in a weekend, no problem.


3) BTW, the CV version RF is improved. Slightly faster (or smoother), now has ending sequence, map music, sprite flickering management, pause. And IMHO it's better than the NES version, with 6 stages (versus 4 in the NES version).


Well, enough of Road Fighter. Anyway you guys don't worry too much about it. I am sure that Luc and I will find a way. The important thing is that I want to have the carts done by Oct 15th, because I have a surgery that day. In the worst case I am sure Luc will take care of the packaging so the game gets released.


Space Invaders Collection in red cases isn't a priority right now...


What else? Oh, keep sending me your copies of Magical Tree. I will send back a good version for all copies received. In the worst case my wife will take care of that for me.


Finally, I really hope to finish Pac-Man Collection this year, if possible. I am being completely honest, Pac-Man is 100% done, Ms Pac-Man is 90% with just a few small improvements necessary in the intermissions. Pac-Man Plus is 90% done, with just some missing graphics. And the opening is 90% done too, missing sound and some notices. The worst part is to accommodate everything inside the Megacart (which btw is also 100% done and I have 200 of them here waiting to get some use). Yellow cases are in place too. Lets see.


This week I was checking the TRON arcade game. And I found that the game uses some custom timers to keep everything in sync, not a good news if you want to port it for the CV. So while I don't think it is impossible, it surely isn't going to be an easy task. As a matter of fact, Japanese arcades are usually much easier to port that US games. So I was feeling kind of frustrated when I remembered about my long abandoned WIP DK port. And then I also remembered all the work that Luc had recreating the arcade graphics for the CV. Well, so I decided to go back and check DK again and to be honest I have been doing some progress on it.

Here are things I found recently about the game:


1) Stage 1 can have 5 fire balls, 8 barrels and 2 skull barrels, all at the same time on screen.

2) Luc proposed a Mario with 3 colors (just like the arcade). That means 3 sprites per Mario animation frame, which means a lot of sprite patterns. So I figured out that the best way to implement that is by loading the Mario sprite patterns in real time in my new patented ColecoVision Super Uber Arcade Sprite Driver . Seriously, nothing special here.

3) DK uses 2 sprites, Pauline uses 1, and the flames in the oil barrel uses 1, plus Mario uses 4 (including the hammer). So we have 8 sprites on screen already. Since stage 1 can have 15 enemies on screen, it seems ok at first glance. But by Luc's design, enemies are all dual colored, so in fact they use 30 sprites. Plus 8 sprites, we end up with 38 sprites, 6 more than the CV can display. So my patented ColecoVision Super Uber Arcade Sprite Driver will also need to deal with sprite multiplexing, in addition to sprite flickering management. And this is all going to be fun.

4) Anyway, at this point I am fairly convinced that we could produce the best playing DK port for a classic console ever. And in fact one of the best looking too, maybe comparable to the NES version, which misses a stage.

5) So far the game has the attract mode, intro and stage 1 implemented in different levels of completion. Once (when, if) I can have Mario running and jumping in stage 1, I can release a demo version here.


Anyway I will keep doing it for fun, no promises.


A last thing: I am planning to resume checking my mailbox again starting tomorrow. So if you sent me an email recently but never got a reply, don't give up your hopes yet. :)


Ok guys, enough for today. You are all great!



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Hey again guys. Thanks for the responses. There's a few things I'm still fuzzy on, but not my place to be concerned about them. I'm just a guy who enjoys quality old school games and was throwing ideas out there to try and help.


I will respond to a few things tho...


---Mumbai- I respect you comment about people being taken advantage of, but my suggestion was more about getting the funds to Eduardo and co for their efforts, not to the people who snatch them up and resell them when the product is no longer available. Bad example-- but who do you think deserved the $247 bid on ebay recently for Kevtris more-- Kevin for writing it, or the seller for having it? (And at $247, reserve wasn't met) Same thing with concert and sporting tickets these days-- the logic is "well, we may as well raise ticket prices and keep the money out of the scalpers hands". I know in this example, it will be said Kevin sold Ketris for what he was happy to get at the time, and the seller should get the profit because he made the initial investment, or some thng along those lines. I disagree-- I think the buyer paid the original $30 or whatever with the expectation of getting $30 worth of enjoyment from it-- not as an investment that would pay off 1000% in a few years. Same thing with the boxed DK I've been hunting for-- it was a $15 surplus item a few years ago-- now I'm told expect to pay of $100 for it. Not worth it to me-- I got 10 copies of DK already here-- don't need to spend $100 just for the box.


But that's where things get tricky. Because it's not worth it to ME, doesn't mean it won't be worth it to someone else. Everyone will place their own value on it-- whether it's a fixed price sale item, or an auction item. So, I see nothing wrong with the hobbyists responsible for the game taking their chances selling via bid on Ebay-- even if it's just for the the first 6 months of release (ala the iPhone at AT&T only). It's all part of marketing, and part of making it worth your while. No one is FORCED to pay any price for the games.


---Pixelboy, I do believe it should be as simple as going to a printer and asking "can you make these at this same quality level, and if so how much?" It's the printer's job to know how they make them, not yours. You're the customer. As long as they can make them, you don't need to know how-- just as long as they're what you ordered. Kind of like ordering a steak-- If you like a Medium Well Porterhouse at Outback, you know what you are getting-- you don't really need to know what cow it came from, in what state, what the cow last ate, what seasonings are on it, or how long it was in the fridge. You have a reasonable expectation to eat a steak cooked to order, not become a butcher. You are not trying to become a printer, either, just a customer. And I think you're driving your costs up significantly by NOT using the internet. Any reputable printer should be able to supply a sample of previous similar works and a solid cost per unit upon request.


And I understand about the 'under the radar' portion of it. :)


--- Eduardo, I like the DK talk. :) Be awesome to have a PMC or DK Arcade out in time for the 25th anniversary of the Colecovision Christmas for bunches of us. :)


Sorry, getting long winded again-- just trying to be helpful. And yes, I'm not just talking, I'm actually offering to help if there is any interest in more assistance. Otherwise, here's to the next release of an Opcode game coming soon to a mailbox near you! :)



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---Mumbai- I respect you comment about people being taken advantage of, but my suggestion was more about getting the funds to Eduardo and co for their efforts, not to the people who snatch them up and resell them when the product is no longer available. [etc. etc.]

You took my comment off on a wild, ranty tangent that bears no relation to what I intended. I'm not even sure it's worth trying to sort out your response.


Anyway... I vaguely recall at least one OpCode release being raffled on eBay as *the* #1 of the run as a way to generate both interest and a bit of an honorarium. Though, the upthread remark about not waking sleeping giants to rights infringement is far more significant.


Edit: Now that I think about it, I believe it was Sky Jaguar.

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Hello, Opcode.


Hi CV Gus!


It was a surprise to read this thread. I never read any of your blogs, so all I knew about you and your operation was the games.


I am not surprised that you never read my blogs because I never wrote any. Luc is the one writing them. :) I am so lazy when I need to write something, mainly when it isn't in my native language... :)


Be assured of this- if you are to be considered a third-party company, you are easily the best one for the ColecoVision that ever was. Is there anyone here who would even dare suggest that any of the Space Invaders Collection games would have turned out as brilliantly back in the 1980s? I can guarantee you that that would never have happened.

And just look at Pac-Man Collection. Even the great Atarisoft version pales by comparison.


Thanks a lot. You know, in the past few years I got so many comments like those that I was starting to act like "Hm, ok...". I now realize that I was really missing the point, and I say that with all honesty. And I believe we are a community, and each of us must contribute with something. It could be playing, collecting, buying or creating, no matter. It is all important.


I was intrigued to hear that you have moved here to America. Is this true? If so, then, well...welcome here.


Yes, I arrived last December. But the last few months has been hard. I got ill and right now my health is uncertain. It's a long story, maybe I write about it someday, but since most of it is still a mystery, I will reserve that for the future.


Please be careful about "medication," and consider very carefully before taking any. For the past three decades, that seems to be the answer to everything. These drugs can be dangerous, as seen a number of times recently. If you are depressed, first try to find out what DIDN'T make you so, and try to regain it. Maybe enhance those things.


That's a really good advice, and I would to suggest the same for everyone here, mainly if you need to take antibiotics. Be very careful, antibiotics can be devastating, sometimes even more than the decease it is suppose to fight.



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Hi guys!


Ok, I am still waiting for the quote from my Brazilian printer. The guy promised that for today. I am also planning a visit to a printer in my area just to compare prices and quality. As I told you, I don't want to use laser printing, I don't want quality to suffer.

I also don't want to raise prices, cause in fact I have done that already. SIC was originally $25, and now I am asking $30 a game.

Oh, btw, we have 10 names already. :)





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Wow, it's been a while since I've posted here. Nice work on the new forum Albert.


Luc and I are currently working on getting a better print estimate and as the owner and creative director of Doc4Design I am more than comfortable talking to printers. By producing this project with an advertising firm behind it we can save a small percent off the price vs. the average Joe walking in off the street. Keep in mind that we need to maintain the use of a print shop in order to maintain the quality of these projects, there is a huge difference printing CMYK vs. Digital / Established Print Shop vs. Kinko's.


The pitfalls to this have been mentioned by Luc in a previous post. Finding a printer who will print copyrighted material in a world already scared to death by the copyright infringement, is extremely difficult. So the print shop needs to be willing to help out and stay on the DL about this.


We can produce a superior product here and I have been doing my best to make certain the artwork, design and layout is as top-quality as it can be but we need to keep in mind, as mentioned previously, that I do run a company and don't have the amount of time to pour into this as I used to. I really enjoy working on retro gaming projects, but they just don't cover those pesky bills very well.


As far as Road Fighter is concerned, I'm working on the manual as fast as I can and hope to have that handed off soon. Just for proper credits sake and not to be rude to Eduardo, the artist for the cover of Road Fighter was Vu Ha. :)


By the way, I'm staring at four pristine boxes and four pristine manuals of Space Invaders Collection on my desk here. If anyone is interested in buying these I could use the extra Christmas cash. I was also thinking of printing up posters of the OpCode game art completed thus far, if enough people are interested I maybe able to do a limited run of these.


I hope Eduardo starts to feel better soon, so we can get this party started up again on a positive note. Talk to you guys soon.

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Hi Eduardo,


So good to see you back :D . I was very concerned when I read Luc's blog entry and sincerely hope that everything works out for you. Suffice to say that I agree with all of the positive sentiment in this thread regarding both you and the incredible games you produce. Despite having a very large ColecoVision games collection, my young daughter still always wants to play Yie Ar Kung-Fu first.


Please put me down on your list for Road Fighter - 5 copies please.


Many many thanks



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I was also thinking of printing up posters of the OpCode game art completed thus far, if enough people are interested I maybe able to do a limited run of these.


OpCode game posters - awesome. Please put me down for a set of those.




How many and which games would like? I'll set up a sample of what they would look like tomorrow.

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I was also thinking of printing up posters of the OpCode game art completed thus far, if enough people are interested I maybe able to do a limited run of these.


OpCode game posters - awesome. Please put me down for a set of those.




How many and which games would like? I'll set up a sample of what they would look like tomorrow.


Hi Luc,


I would like a couple of posters for each game, depending on the price.


BTW, we already have 20 names for Road Fighter. :)

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I'd like a copy of Road Fighter. Six screens, you say? Any screenshots? Can the game be beaten, or is there always more to do?


How much is a copy, and where does one send a money order?


Best of luck to you and yours. :D



By the way- I recently built a digital controller for the Atari 5200 (hint!). You'd be surprised how much better 5200 games are with such a thing.

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I was also thinking of printing up posters of the OpCode game art completed thus far, if enough people are interested I maybe able to do a limited run of these.


OpCode game posters - awesome. Please put me down for a set of those.




How many and which games would like? I'll set up a sample of what they would look like tomorrow.


I'd go for two sets - one of each game released if possible, i.e.,


Space Invaders Collection

Sky Jaguar

Yie Ar Kung-Fu

Magical Tree

Road Fighter (nearly released :D )


What size were you thinking of? I would be keen on letter size, then I can mount and frame them as I have done with my ColecoVision games ads.

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I was also thinking of printing up posters of the OpCode game art completed thus far, if enough people are interested I maybe able to do a limited run of these.


OpCode game posters - awesome. Please put me down for a set of those.




How many and which games would like? I'll set up a sample of what they would look like tomorrow.


Hi Luc,


I would like a couple of posters for each game, depending on the price.


BTW, we already have 20 names for Road Fighter. :)

"Hi Luc"? Don't you mean "Hi Dale"? :D As I told Dale via e-mail, I'd be very interested in those posters, but only if they have the game title logo, and the OpCode and ColecoVision logos included within each poster. Just having the plain artwork (like in Dale's recent Sky Jaguar poster auction on eBay) is not all that interesting to me.


I'd like a copy of Road Fighter. Six screens, you say? Any screenshots? Can the game be beaten, or is there always more to do?

As stated above, screenshots can be found on our web site. The game itself has no real ending. You get a cool little cutscene (taken from the arcade game, and for which I reworked the graphics to fit the CV's 16-color palette) when you finish the sixth stage, then you start over from stage 1 (with the difficulty ramped up, of course).


How much is a copy, and where does one send a money order?

We're not officially taking pre-orders yet, but keep your eyes peeled. Once the manuals and boxes are completely done and printed, the pre-order period should logically come soon after.


EDIT: In case anyone here is wondering, I will not update Opcode Games' web site until Road Fighter is truly a done deal. We're almost there, but not quite. It's only a matter of weeks, really.

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I was also thinking of printing up posters of the OpCode game art completed thus far, if enough people are interested I maybe able to do a limited run of these.


Posters, definitely a cool idea. I'd go with one for each of the releases so far. I'm sure you'd get some business on these, just based on how many of us are already collectors on the carts alone.

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