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OpCode Games Down ?


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Thanks! We have 25 names now. I think it is enough to assure production.

I went through a small surgery last week. Nothing to worry about I could say, and I am already felling ok. Anyway I used my recovery time to make some extra progress with Donkey Kong Arcade. Mario is now able to walk around in stage 1. Now that I know how the game works, I am creating a final character table, so I can revise the game engine and finish the other stages. My plans are to complete all 4 stages, with Mario being able to walk around each one of them and save Pauline, though initially with no enemies on screen. Whenever I manage to achieve that, I will release a demo version. After that I would need to create a good sprite driver and add the enemies to the game. Anyway so far I am very happy with the results, and kind of surprised at how good DK looks on the CV. No promises when it will be done, but I can keep you guys informed of my progress.

I have also started to outline a tutorial about the CV and how to create games for it. However it is just an outline, and there is a lot of work ahead. Again, I keep you guys informed.


About cartridge production (someone mentioned it in an earlier post), we are planning to order 300 package sets (manual/box/label) for Pac-Man Collection. Based on previous Space Invaders Collection sales, in excess of 220 units and now sold out, we figured out that that could be a good number. Also, the first 100 PMC copies will come in yellow cases (the cases are already in my possession, so we can already promise that). :)



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if you sell 300 games at $30 each, that's $9,000.


According to Daniel Bienvenu's list that's an unrealistic number. The record for ColecoVision games released since the 90's is at 200 carts sold.





200? I thought that there were far more people purchasing homebrew games than that, especially since, in 2007, the "word" must have gotten out.



The numbers aren't updated that often. If there was a surge in CV homebrew sales in 2007 it might not be reflected there yet.



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After RF and PMC, will DK-A came first, or will it be the KSC ?.






We don't know yet. We have decided to not announce anything before it is really near release. But anyway I hope that next year will be the MemoryPack year, so we're going to concentrate on MemoryPack releases, like DK-A, Goonies and Knightmare.





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