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Wargames Easter Egg


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Does anyone have Wargames for that Atari 8-bit handy? I work with a programmer who said he worked on the game and I wanted to see if his name was in there. He said that if you pressed (held down?) Select+Option and then type NTP (Name The Programmers) that the credits screen would come up. He was a bit fuzzy on exactly how to do this, but that sequence should be close.



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I looked through the game code a bit and didn't notice any funny business with the console keys. It might be well hidden though.


I did find a few instand end-game combinations:


Shift+Ctrl+0 = Instant Defcon 1 ending with no targets destroyed.

Shift+Ctrl+1 = Instant Defcon 1 ending with all US targets destroyed.

Shift+Ctrl+2 = Instant Cease Fire ending (89,000,000 pts awarded)



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Hmm... Maybe he was talking about the C-64 version? He seemed pretty sure of the egg.

Commodore's don't have "Select" or "Option" keys. :P


Select and Option are my words, he just said "Two of the keys to the right of the keyboard"



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War Games by Coleco or Computer War by Thorn EMI?


I tried the SELECT+OPTION combination on my original disk of War Games and it sent the computer to never-never land.


If the person you work with is the Coleco programmer, could you ask him if he knows who coded the unreleased Tarzan? Also, were any other A8 titles planned?



Atari Frog


Edited by www.atarimania.com
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War Games by Coleco or Computer War by Thorn EMI?


If the person you work with is the Coleco programmer, could you ask him if he knows who coded the unreleased Tarzan? Also, were any other A8 titles planned?


Coleco I'd guess. I asked him if it was Computer War and he didn't think so.


No he wasn't a Coleco guy, he was a K*Btye guy.


Maybe there's another version of Wargames out there?



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