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atari2600land's Blog - 50-Foot-Tall Stalks of Celery


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So, anyway, I got this Dream Theater 2-CD set, hoping to find a 42-minute-long track. Once I got it in the CD player, I was enraged because they broke it up into 8 different tracks, even though the liner notes and the back of the CD clearly said "6. Six Degrees of Turbulence - 42:04". False advertising? Probably. So, now I'm beginning to call all my long songs even longer. For example, I've been putting Thick As a Brick in my lists as two seperate tracks of 20 minutes+ each. Now, it's listed in my lists as one song of 45 minutes. The same goes for A Passion Play and Tubular Bells. I don't know why CD makers are so afraid to have one 40+ minute track. Oh well, on to the title of today's blog.

In 1994, I found a comic I did about 50-foot-tall stalks of celery terrorizing towns a la Godzilla. In 1997, I found I had made a second one. In 2006, I decided to turn the stalk of celery into a superhero. I've entitled it "Adventures of the 50-foot-tall Stalk of Celery." I had made 4 issues of this comic book in 2006 and then lost them. When I "unearthed" them recently, I decided to make even more. So I made issue 5, and if anyone shows any interest, I might post pics of an upcoming 6th issue where 100-foot-tall rabbits try to eat Mr. Celery, and I'll even try to write legibly. ;) I just make weird comics when I'm bored, even though I can't draw. Like this one I update every week (and I make comics a month in advance so I don't have to worry if I can't come up with any ideas for it.)

Well, anyway, thanks for reading all this (if you did, it's a pretty long entry today!)



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