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Synth Sample by G. Feil for Atari?


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I don't think there was an Atari version. If there is one out there, I definitely want it too!


I first heard Synth Sample in 1986 in my first computer class ("computer lab" was just a bunch of C64s). Synth Sample was the first computer music I became "obsessed" with. I listened to it over and over again (especially the first tune). It was the only thing that impressed me on the C64. Everything else I preferred on the Atari. I didn't hear any computer music that good until Shadow of the Beast came out in 1989.


I searched for years for that Synth_Sample.sid and only just found it in 2005 (mainly because at the time I didn't know it was called Synth Sample and I had no idea who the author was). I'm totally surprised to see a thread here about it because I've only ever seen two other web pages mention it.

Edited by Mr.Amiga500
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I think you will also find it on the T.Karwoth Music-Editor called "Soundmonitor Professional" along with some more tunes. Soundmon Prof. is PD/Freeware and available from various sources - there is a mono (=original) as well as a stereo (=patched) version of it out there... A lot of the T.K. sounds can be heard not only in polish demos, but also in the Hobbytronic and Halle demos. Afaik there is also some nice T.K. music in Bewesoft`s "Vector Scroll" demo... -Andreas Koch


Afaik, some old TCC and TGC demos (Studio Dream, Abbuc intros, etc.) also include synth music and/or synth samples...


P.S.: If you cannot find soundmon. Prof., e-mail me, I have both versions in my collection...

Edited by CharlieChaplin
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I'm confused. What does "Thorsten Karwoth" have to do with Synth_Sample.sid by Georg Feil? Did "Thorsten Karwoth" copy (make Atari version of) Georg Feil's music?


He simply did a remake of the tune.


To be honest: Because the SID version used 2 channels only... one with a deep filtered variation sound and one voice with some sawtooth. I'm pretty sure, the ATARI can do THIS tune far better than the SID version.

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