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Warner's Atari R&D projects


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Just curious as to how far developed they were and how near to getting the projects to the marketplace, they were and whatever happened to the technology that never made it


That also includes the various 'prototypes' or vapourware products like the collete 800 board, the proposed 64 and 256k ram boards for the 800, the Atari 1055 etc


I'm not so interested in the 'falcon' project (Ataritel) more the computer/videogames hardware side

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It all pretty much explained on www.atarimuseum.com







Just curious as to how far developed they were and how near to getting the projects to the marketplace, they were and whatever happened to the technology that never made it


That also includes the various 'prototypes' or vapourware products like the collete 800 board, the proposed 64 and 256k ram boards for the 800, the Atari 1055 etc


I'm not so interested in the 'falcon' project (Ataritel) more the computer/videogames hardware side

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So to give you a quickie run-down:


Collete was proposed as a possible cost reduction project to the 800, the S-16 (Atari 1200) project became the new cost reduced project, so the 800CR "Collete" project was very short lived, only a small handful of boards were made, no major notes or information, schematics, pcb plots or other details currently have been located.


The 64K boards did come out, but as a 48k upgrade kit for the 400 instead.


The 256K board was an internal pet project floated around, but management did not let it to go to marketing for consideration.


The 1055, 1053, 1057 were all worked on in 83' and were slated for 84' release, essentially all of the major 83 projects - 1400, 1450xld, 1600xl, 1060, 1090 were all canceled either in late 83' by James Morgan or by the Tramiels once they bought Atari.






Just curious as to how far developed they were and how near to getting the projects to the marketplace, they were and whatever happened to the technology that never made it


That also includes the various 'prototypes' or vapourware products like the collete 800 board, the proposed 64 and 256k ram boards for the 800, the Atari 1055 etc


I'm not so interested in the 'falcon' project (Ataritel) more the computer/videogames hardware side

Edited by Curt Vendel
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