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jboypacman's Blog - Halo for Colecovision.


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Ok here is a funny little story from last week i thought i would tell here in my Blog..............



I was at GameCrazy talking to Neonesmaster(he is the manager)and one of the other workers there(Matt) and we were talking about Colecovision(Neo wants one of my Colecovision boxes)when this young kid(16 maybe)comes in to play on the XBox360 demo unit they have in the store and hears us talking about Colecovision and asks....."Whats Colecovision?".


We all look at each other and kind of smile and start to tell this kid that Colecovision was the first system that Halo was made for.He looks at us and says"I didnt know Halo came out before XBox.".


We all started to laugh as the kid walks out of the store and we all got a real big kick out of it even if it was kind of mean but i think/hope the kid knew we were joking but again this shows the video gamers of today have no sense of history(well at lest some of them anyway).



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