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atari2600land's Blog - Very very old literature


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I have a very small collection of ancient Greek literature that I hope one day will grow to a whole bookshelf full. I find it fascinating that stories, plays, reports, etc. have survived thousands of years. My collection includes a book of every Aristophanes play, Plato's "Republic", Herodotus' "Histories", and, of course, the Odyssey and the Iliad. I'll have to do some more research on the subject before I can find some more must-haves and anything I run across. Stuff written by guys like Socrates. Do I actually sit and read these things? I tried to, but I find it boring. I think I read a whole short play by Aristophanes and didn't understand any of it. And reading a whole play is an accomplishment because I have a very short attention span.



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