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Had Water World in my hands today!


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Told you $49.99 was a heck of a deal. Looks like Waterworld averages between $60-$70 according to the list.

Oh please. $50 for something that averages out at around $66 (for the last 12 auctions where only a loose cart was sold - meaning roughly 25% off the average) is hardly "a heck of a deal". :roll: The whole reason why I've been tracking these is to actually prove that you were wrong in your estimation about "a heck of a deal". :| WW for $5 - now that would be a deal.

Ahh, all that trouble for little old me. :) I guess this is a matter of perspective. I think saving $16 and 25% off is a heck of a deal. You think that you have to save over 90% for it to be a heck of a deal. Well whatever, I still stand by my original statement. Getting Waterworld for $49.99 is a heck of a deal.

Edited by homerwannabee
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The reason people don't know the value of these carts is that they really don't care. Go into Game X change and you'll find NES and up carefully priced according to how in demand they are. It's not how rare they are, or how much the game cost new--it's the demand.


Many vintage games are either $1 each for pre NES games and $5 each for post NES.


Now the systems they price variably are as follows:

Any Nintendo system except the Game Boy and Game Boy Color

Any Sony system

Genesis (including Sega CD and 32X), Dreamcast

Any Microsoft system

Most of those games are $5 per rarity on their scale. The newer systems' games cost up to $5 more than onlder games do, but the prices are generally pretty even throughout their store.


I'm not sure if they price other system's games the same way. I'd be surprised to see Hyperscan or Vectrex games in there, and I'd expect any other vintage games (Arcadia 2001, Fairchild, etc) to be $1 each.


Even the older hardware follows a similar price guide..usually $5, $12 or $20 depending on what the particular whatchmacallit happens to be.


Of course, knowing the shop owner or manager has its perks. You help them and they help you. I've got to dig through their backstock several time myself, and it usually does have different titles that what's on display. In return, I've repaired carts and tested consoles for them. Those items were sold later, and I knew they would be when I worked on them.

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  • 6 months later...
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Congrats on the honesty.I used to be that honest,but sometimes one can be too honest for their own good,and just end up being shot in the foot,and YOU end up being taken advantage of.One has to be careful with this honesty stuff.There comes times in life when honesty is not always the best way!And im not referring to the waterworld cart situation in particular,just general life.


Sad, but oh so very true. Especially in these whacked out times.

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My friend is a big metal detector enthusiast. Recently he found a small cache of Civil War goodies...rifles, knives, jewelery, etc. He made the terrible ERROR of blabbing about his find, and the "Historical Society" stepped in and claimed that due to the "Historical Signifigance" of said items, that they were to be "claimed by the state/county" . Sorry, but thats just plain bullshit...no other way to say it.



Wow - did they at least give him monetarily what they were worth from an appraised sense? This is going on all across the country

land wise and it's called Eminent Domain. A local eatery of sorts located conveniently off a new highway that was supposed to be

okay, was just shut down. The owner is more than just depressed about the whole debacle and vowed not to open another location :-(

Too bad. Great location, great food, great building and was a revenue earner for the state.

Edited by save2600
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I was at a Retro Game Shop in my neighborhood today and the dude behind the counter told me he had two boxes full of Atari games that recently came in. He allowed me to go in the back room and sift through them, that kind of suprised me because I only talked with him a few times before today. I kicked off a few commons and set a side a couple of "5's" that I might have been interested in if the price was right. Then there it was.....Water World! I could have easily have slipped this cart in my coat but that is not how I roll. I also think that I could have gotten this game for a couple of bucks but I said screw it. I took the game up to the counter and handed it to the owner and asked him if he knew what this was, of course he said no. I told him....DUDE! Put It On EBAY Now! He looked up how much it was worth and he thanked me plenty. He ended up giving my games I brought up to the counter for nothing, they were Mario is Missing (SNES) Fathom (ATARI) Shootin' Gallery (ATARI) Laser Gates (ATARI). I also earned his trust and I know I can count on the "back room" any time I want!


I think it's safe to assume that you can see this game popping up on ebay in the next day or two.....who knows I may even put a bid on it!







wow talk about good karma...amazing. Good job.

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